
Biophilia NLS software with features

Biophilia NLS software with features of three-dimensional visualization, ultramicroscanning and spectral-entropic analysis (SEA) of lymph tissue structure.
Study of regional lymph nodes usually carried out on the affected side, but sometimes on contralateral also, at lymphogranulomatosis, Non Hodgkin lymphom, leucosis and others it is recommended to fulfill examination taking into account possible affection of various lymph nodes.

With Biophilia NLS we identified chromogeneity of lymph nodes in accordance with six-point Fleindler’s scale, size of a nidus and its structure.

Biophilia tracker can make human body become better and better

The most frequent complication of lung abscess was formation of bronchopleural fistula with development of empyema and pyopneumothorax, in certain cases accompanied by thoracic wall phlegmon and thoracal fistula. In one patient, who failed to find medical attention in time to treat an abscess of medium lobe of a right lung, we detected gigantic subdiaphragmatic abscess that developed as a result of cupula of diaphragm destruction with a background of pleural empyema.
The most favorable outcome of lung abscess is a complete collapse of a cavity with development of nidal fibrosis. As a stage of cicatrizing cavity an abscess looked like a small (less than 4 cm) parietal nidus with typical irregular or star-like shape, uneven serrate contour and heterogeneous structure because of short achromogenic air signals with prevailing hyperchromogenic background. At complete cicatrization of a cavity on its place we detected remaining small subpleural hypochromogenic area of irregular-shaped sclerosis, with uneven contours and significantly decreased or absent respiratory mobility. Less favorable outcome is formation of residual achromogenic air cavity similar to false cyst.

Biophilia tracker can make human body  become better and better.


The improtance of the Biophilia tracker

An abscess inside pneumonic infiltrate or obstructive atelectasis had no achromogenic areal around itself due to weak chromogeneity of surrounding pulmonary tissue. A contour of a destruction nidus was traced along border of hyperchromogenic content of an abscess and hypochromogenic lung tissue. The main difference of an abscess with a background of pneumonia was clear achromogenic air component in a liquid content. Burst of purulent exudate into bronchi happens quite early at relatively small cavity of destruction. In obstructive atelectasis even large cavities of destruction were filled with liquid content without achromogenic inclusions, because air could not penetrate there due to complete obstruction of a bronchus by tumor.
If you need Biophilia tracker,feel free contact me and i am happy to answer your questions.

Biophilia tracker plays an important role in the treatment process

At free spontaneous draining the main volume of exudate was already removed through bronchi, and entered air in sufficient amounts formed large bubbles in a structure of exudate and was accumulated in superior parts of an abscess. This stage was characterized by division of a content into superior gaseous layer and inferior liquid layer. Free air in a cavity of an abscess looked like continuous achromogenic line. At major stickiness of purulent exudate, instead of continuous line we found several achromogenic nidi, located step-by-step next to each other. Liquid content occupied inferior part of an abscess, it contained achromogenic air inclusions, spread diffusely or with a layer of air bubbles.
Hypochromogenic border of a lung around clearly separated abscesses had clear and even contour. At vague bordering a contour of a purulent cavity was very uneven and serrated. Hypochromogenic line disappeared at the level of bordering hyperchromogenic area, corresponding to areas of inflamed infiltration into lung tissue. In these areas a border between exudate and lung parenchyma was vague.

If you need Biophilia tracker,feel free contact me and i am happy to answer your questions.


Biophilia Machine had a decisive meaning in differential diagnostics with cavitary form of lung cancer

In accordance with pathomorphological picture of an abscess, its walls are formed not earlier than V stage of a disease, so they cannot be visualized at early stages. Before this a nidus of destruction is limited by lung tissue itself with necrotic and fibrinous changes on its surface. A wall along the whole perimeter of a cavity was registered at chronic and continuous abscesses, its Biophilia Machine had a decisive meaning in differential diagnostics with cavitary form of lung cancer. SEA results were the most important diagnostic criteria.
If you need Biophilia Machine,feel free contact me and i am happy to answer your questions.

On an Biophilia tracker-image

Blocked abscess represents early closed stage of lung destruction with formation of purulent cavity, surrounded by lung parenchyma and not linked with bronchial tree. On an Biophilia tracker-image it looked like a roundish nidus, frequently with homogeneous Biophilia tracker structure, presented by liquid hypechromogenic content (6 points at Fleidler’s scale) with isochromogenic suspended matter (purulent detritus), but without achromogenic signals of air. Suspended matter was various in chromogeneity, density and character of distribution in a cavity of destruction. As a rule it was close-bodied, quaggy and occupied the whole abscess, not causing any diagnostic difficulties.
With equally high density thick purulent content imitated moderately chromogenic tumorous tissue, and because of that differential diagnostics with lung cancer was needed. Heterogeneous suspended matter could form local aggregates of lesser chromogeneity, imitating sequesters. SEA grants help in diagnostics.



Biophilia tracker-study

Computed tomography creates three-dimensional image with high resolution also, but CT is less available that Biophilia tracker-study, besides, a special attention must be paid to a specific character of contingent of patients with purulent-destructive diseases of lungs and clinical picture of a disease. That is why in practice lung abscess is diagnosed on the basis of clinical symptoms and thorax x-ray data, however with these methods it is not always possible to identify a nature of a nodular shadow in a lung. Application of Biophilia tracker allows to get additional and sometimes decisive information about a pathology, but in this case a therapist must know Biophilia tracker semiotics of lung abscess.
So the objective of this work is to study a picture of lung abscesses and evaluate possibilities of Biophilia tracker of thorax in diagnostics of purulent-destructive process in lungs.


Biophilia tracker has a repairing effect

Biophilia tracker has a repairing effect. It is characterized by stopping of development of spreading of inflammatory transformations, noted during previous stages, and their regression. If reparation starts during infiltrative stage, it usually ends within one month with complete restoration of intrarenal structures and their interrelations.
Reparative process at purulent-exudative (pre-destructive) changes continues for 1 month. In major part of patients with primary AP it leaves no structural manifestations. However in some patients reparation, developed after acute pre-destructive manifestations, resulted in stable nidal changes against the background of complete recovery. These changes represented static, different in size and shape nidi of moderate chromogeneity in parenchyma tissue and renal sinus, and evidenced about development of nidal fibrosis, we believe.

Tissular Biophilia tracker ultramicroangiography of a parenchyma

purulent-destructive. It differs in the fact that there are achromogenic (“liquid”) nidi in parenchyma, which are associated with local manifestations of histolysis. These inclusions may be an aposthema, a carbuncle, an abscess or urine extravasate (as a result of nidal inflammatory destruction of a collector system wall). They may be manifested in any combination, occupying various spaces of a parenchyma. If these nidal changes are accompanied by presence of a disperse component in an opening of dilated fragments of collector complex, we can conclude about presence of nephropyosis. Tissular Biophilia tracker ultramicroangiography of a parenchyma, destruction nidi are characterized by total affection of vessels along the depth of vascular wall.


The most powerful NLS device-Biophilia tracker

Duration of reparative stage at purulent-destructive manifestations of AP almost did not depend on treatment method (surgical or conservative) and was at least 3 months. It peculiarities are intensity and variety of intrarenal structures affection, reflecting local or diffuse fibro-sclerotic changes.
As sign of developing of a carbuncle or an abscess was appearance of separating moderately hyperchromogenic (4-5 points) beads, which was evaluated as formation of destructive nidus wall. These beads become similar in density with a content, decrease in size and as a result a scar is formed. Cicatrical changes at the spots of carbuncles may manifest themselves as intense local retraction type deformation of kidney shape. In some cases at the spot of the most severe purulent-destructive manifestations in parenchyma, we detected formation of achromogenic cystic cavities of small size.

If you need Biophilia tracker,feel free contact me.



Biophilia NLS-graphic changes accompanying clinical laboratory manifestations of AP

After evaluation of dynamic Biophilia NLS-study results we can clearly single out local Biophilia NLS-graphic changes accompanying clinical laboratory manifestations of AP. Permanence of these changes allows to define 4 consecutively developing stages of morphological transformations, comparable with stage changes, underlying AP pathomorphogenesis. Along with these stages, defined by specific morpho- dynamic stereotype of a reviewed disease, lately we single out a “zero stage” – a stage of reactive renal changes. This term requires clarification. On the one hand changes during this stage are absolutely non-specific for AP, on the other – typical for it renal manifestations are the reason of overdiagnosis of acute inflammatory renal changes according to data of Biophilia NLS study. Strictly speaking it is not even a stage, but manifestations of kidney response (just like other parenchymous organs) to any infection. But still we can call it “zero stage”, because at development of “classic” AP kidney has typical for it changes, i.e. undergoes this stage.



Biophilia tracker-semiotics of AP

We believe that medical references have insufficient amount of works on application of Biophilia tracker study in diagnostics of urorenal pathologies. Only few studies on evaluation of organic renal changes, including nidal manifestations at acute and chronic inflammatory processes were published. However they give no clear methods for revealing and interpretation of renal changes at AP in relation to morphogenesis stages of this disease, leaving open a question about accuracy of Biophilia tracker-graphy data. Thus a problem of well-timed differentiation of local serous and purulent-destructive changes at AP is still unsolved for therapists and Biophilia tracker-specialists.
The objective of this work is to evaluate Biophilia tracker-graphic manifestation of so-called dynamic morphological stereotype of studied disease, in other words – to show Biophilia tracker-semiotics of AP.



4D NLS Biophilia tracker

At 4D NLS Biophilia tracker image abscess wall was represented as thin (less than 5-6 mm) moderately chromogenic frame of even thickness, separating purulent content from surrounding lung tissue. Its external contour was more uneven and jagged than internal, visualization accuracy of which depended on chromogeneity of content. Many times we saw increased chromogeneity and density of suspended matter in parietal parts of destruction cavity in comparison with central parts. It resulted in visual thickening of true border between liquid exudate and a wall.

We carried out a detailed study of 4D NLS Biophilia tracker picture of gangrenous abscesses in order to optimize treatment tactics and found that along with above mentioned signs, they had certain peculiarities of 4D NLS-picture. The most typical symptom were sequesters of necrotic lung tissue. They represented fragments of necrotic lung, rejected due to purulent-destructive process and separately located in a cavity of destruction. At 4D NLS image sequesters looked like moderately chromogenic areas of irregular shape, with uneven and sometimes indistinct contours located inside abscess cavity and to related to surrounding lung tissue. They were characterized by moderate chromogeneity and stood out against a background of hyperchromogenic content. Sequesters were sized, as a rule, less than 2cm, but sometimes larger fragments were detected.


The Biophilia META-therapy

The Biophilia META-therapy helps the body to better deal with the discovered problems, toxins and allergens  and to eliminate these. In addition the higher causal factors of organic disturbance - chronic stress  and disturbed reactions of the central nervous system - will be neutralized due to the therapy. Both  are important factors for the activation of the immune system and self healing, enabling the healing  of even very old organ diseases.
The course of treatment need 1 sessions every other day, for 1 session you can choose the times according to the customer's status. Totally need 10 sessions. It is  advisable to do not more than 5-6 organs Meta-therapy for 1 session.
A therapy session lasts from about 5---20 minutes. How long the treatment has to be  repeated depends on the nature of the illness. Normally 3 ---10 sessions are required.
At preventive care, it is recommended to perform 1 session every other day, totally need  10 sessions.

If want to make Meta-therapy again, suggest to relax for one month. When treat for  diseases, 1 session per day, treat 5-6 organs for 1 session, suggest to relax for 2---3  weeks, then you can treat again.

Biophilia tracker treatment

The main feature of META-therapy  in the Biophalia is that this activity adjusts automatically,  and it's not necessary to strengthen physiological fluctuations separately and to invert the  pathological because the device can do it all automatically; you only need to  select  the necessary section, choose how many times you want to do,cilck 'Start‘ and therapy runs.

The therapy-session consists of two steps:
A: For diagnosis the therapist utilizing the computer system Biophalia-Tracker determines problems of  your body, causes of stresses and blockages of your energy system.
B: For therapy you receive the exact amount of frequency information for your healing.

All biological processes within a body are governed by the higher energy of the meridians and the  central nervous system. Because of our modern way of living these processes can be severely  disturbed because of both internal and external stress, excessive demands, unnatural food products,  electro smog, environmental toxins, and geopathic stress. The body reacts with chronic permanent  stress. This stress can result in a malfunction of the immune system. The results: a full spectrum of  different symptoms, exhaustion, allergies, chronic diseases.

In such a situation it is useless to treat individual symptoms. Permanent healing is only possible  with a complete detoxification of the body, with stress reduction and a reactivation of the regulatory  systems, which means the meridians and the central nervous system. At this point META therapy is  very effective.