
Biophilia tracker plays an important role in the treatment process

At free spontaneous draining the main volume of exudate was already removed through bronchi, and entered air in sufficient amounts formed large bubbles in a structure of exudate and was accumulated in superior parts of an abscess. This stage was characterized by division of a content into superior gaseous layer and inferior liquid layer. Free air in a cavity of an abscess looked like continuous achromogenic line. At major stickiness of purulent exudate, instead of continuous line we found several achromogenic nidi, located step-by-step next to each other. Liquid content occupied inferior part of an abscess, it contained achromogenic air inclusions, spread diffusely or with a layer of air bubbles.
Hypochromogenic border of a lung around clearly separated abscesses had clear and even contour. At vague bordering a contour of a purulent cavity was very uneven and serrated. Hypochromogenic line disappeared at the level of bordering hyperchromogenic area, corresponding to areas of inflamed infiltration into lung tissue. In these areas a border between exudate and lung parenchyma was vague.

If you need Biophilia tracker,feel free contact me and i am happy to answer your questions.

