
Biophilia NLS-graphic changes accompanying clinical laboratory manifestations of AP

After evaluation of dynamic Biophilia NLS-study results we can clearly single out local Biophilia NLS-graphic changes accompanying clinical laboratory manifestations of AP. Permanence of these changes allows to define 4 consecutively developing stages of morphological transformations, comparable with stage changes, underlying AP pathomorphogenesis. Along with these stages, defined by specific morpho- dynamic stereotype of a reviewed disease, lately we single out a “zero stage” – a stage of reactive renal changes. This term requires clarification. On the one hand changes during this stage are absolutely non-specific for AP, on the other – typical for it renal manifestations are the reason of overdiagnosis of acute inflammatory renal changes according to data of Biophilia NLS study. Strictly speaking it is not even a stage, but manifestations of kidney response (just like other parenchymous organs) to any infection. But still we can call it “zero stage”, because at development of “classic” AP kidney has typical for it changes, i.e. undergoes this stage.


