
The most powerful NLS device-Biophilia tracker

Duration of reparative stage at purulent-destructive manifestations of AP almost did not depend on treatment method (surgical or conservative) and was at least 3 months. It peculiarities are intensity and variety of intrarenal structures affection, reflecting local or diffuse fibro-sclerotic changes.
As sign of developing of a carbuncle or an abscess was appearance of separating moderately hyperchromogenic (4-5 points) beads, which was evaluated as formation of destructive nidus wall. These beads become similar in density with a content, decrease in size and as a result a scar is formed. Cicatrical changes at the spots of carbuncles may manifest themselves as intense local retraction type deformation of kidney shape. In some cases at the spot of the most severe purulent-destructive manifestations in parenchyma, we detected formation of achromogenic cystic cavities of small size.

If you need Biophilia tracker,feel free contact me.


