Blocked abscess represents early closed stage
of lung destruction with formation of purulent cavity, surrounded by lung
parenchyma and not linked with bronchial tree. On an Biophilia tracker-image it
looked like a roundish nidus, frequently with homogeneous Biophilia tracker
structure, presented by liquid hypechromogenic content (6 points at Fleidler’s
scale) with isochromogenic suspended matter (purulent detritus), but without
achromogenic signals of air. Suspended matter was various in chromogeneity,
density and character of distribution in a cavity of destruction. As a rule it
was close-bodied, quaggy and occupied the whole abscess, not causing any
diagnostic difficulties.
With equally high density thick purulent
content imitated moderately chromogenic tumorous tissue, and because of that
differential diagnostics with lung cancer was needed. Heterogeneous suspended
matter could form local aggregates of lesser chromogeneity, imitating
sequesters. SEA grants help in diagnostics.