
4D NLS Biophilia tracker

At 4D NLS Biophilia tracker image abscess wall was represented as thin (less than 5-6 mm) moderately chromogenic frame of even thickness, separating purulent content from surrounding lung tissue. Its external contour was more uneven and jagged than internal, visualization accuracy of which depended on chromogeneity of content. Many times we saw increased chromogeneity and density of suspended matter in parietal parts of destruction cavity in comparison with central parts. It resulted in visual thickening of true border between liquid exudate and a wall.

We carried out a detailed study of 4D NLS Biophilia tracker picture of gangrenous abscesses in order to optimize treatment tactics and found that along with above mentioned signs, they had certain peculiarities of 4D NLS-picture. The most typical symptom were sequesters of necrotic lung tissue. They represented fragments of necrotic lung, rejected due to purulent-destructive process and separately located in a cavity of destruction. At 4D NLS image sequesters looked like moderately chromogenic areas of irregular shape, with uneven and sometimes indistinct contours located inside abscess cavity and to related to surrounding lung tissue. They were characterized by moderate chromogeneity and stood out against a background of hyperchromogenic content. Sequesters were sized, as a rule, less than 2cm, but sometimes larger fragments were detected.

