
In 5 patients of this group 3D computer Biophilia NLS


In 17 patients Biophilia NLS-graphy has detected signs of expiratory air trap in amounts from individual lobes to segments. In 7 patients the given symptom was combined with signs hypochromogeneity of pulmonary tissue at breath top. With the background of hypochromogenic zones we marked reduction of caliber of pulmonary artery’s corresponding branches. According to some authors, given symptoms indirectly evidence obliterating bronchiolitis, at which morphologists mark growth of granulations in lumen of distal bronchias and fibrosis of their walls up to almost full obliteration of lumen. As a result, at inhale the secondary lobe is filled with air, stretched, and at exhale is not fall down. The lobe restretching is not accompanied by destruction, resolution of its structures, as at emphysema.

In 5 patients of this group 3D computer Biophilia NLS-diagnostics has revealed cylindrical and varicose bronchiectases of bronchial tubes of 4-8 rates, in 18 patients hyperchromogeneity (4-5 points at the Fleindler’s scale) of bronchial tubes walls and an illegibility of their contours are noted. Besides, according to 3D computer Biophilia NLS-diagnostics data, inside secondary lobes occurrence of small hypochromogenic nidi against some strengthening of intralobular interstitial picture is noted in 11 patients. The given displays in the scientific literature are named as “a tree with the bulked up kidneys” or “toy little men” symptoms and they morphologically correspond to displays of infectious bronchiolitis of a various aetiology. Thus, in the given group of patients the combination of obliterating bronchiolitis with an infectious bronchitis and-or bronchiolitis is noted.

In 12 patients the combination of signs of emphysema and bronchiolitis is registered.


91 patients with clinical symptoms of COPD and control group of 24 patients with other diseases


91 patients with clinical symptoms of COPD and control group of 24 patients with other diseases have been surveyed during 2008-2010.
The persons of both sexes and of different age categories (from 20 till 70, 58 years old on average) were studied.
In the majority of patients the main clinical symptoms were chronic cough, production of phlegm, a short wind at load. Duration of disease varied from 5 till 15 years.
In 13 patients disease symptoms were manifested gradually, in 69 clinical symptoms developed within last 5 years, and in 6 – in 15 years after beginning of the disease. However in certain cases (n = 3) we observed periods of quick progressing of illness after recovery from viral respiratory infection or prolonged pneumonia. In 45 patients disease symptoms began with the intense intoxication (weakness, sweatiness, lowgrade fever) and cough with phlegm that lasted from 2 weeks (n = 33) to 1 month (n = 24). The most typical and constant clinical sign was the short wind with decreasing of tolerance to physical stress which was marked in patients of advanced age (34%), and it was at rest in 2.7% of patients. In 30 patients with gradual development of disease the short wind was the earliest clinical symptom, aroused at considerable, and then at moderate physical activities.


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Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is the chronic slowly progressing disease characterized by irreversible or partially reversible (with application of bronchial spasmolytics or other treatments) obstruction of a bronchial tree. It is considered that COPD is a combination of an emphysema and affection of a bronchial tree and, as a rule, it is complicated by a pulmonary hypertensia, that is clinically manifested by respiratory insufficiency and signs of pulmonary heart.

According to American Thoracic Society the pulmonary emphysema (PE) is the anatomic alteration of lungs, characterized by pathological expansion of air spaces, located distal to terminal bronchiole and accompanied by destructive changes of alveolar walls. According to this definition, the obligatory symptom of PE is not only expansion, but also destruction of respiratory parts of lungs in the absence of the manifested signs of a pneumosclerosis. The emphysema is usually classified on the basis of changes in acinus and a secondary pulmonary segment.

25D NLS hunter  can test human body health,it also can improve human body health.


Metatron hunter 4025-symptoms of thrombogenesis in renal vein

Metatron hunter 4025-symptoms of thrombogenesis in renal vein and/or inferior vena cava in a form of intraluminal thrombotic masses and mural defects of endothelial layer are diagnosed at various sizes of the primary tumor by Metatron hunter 4025-ultramicroangiography and 3D reconstruction of acquired image. The following clinical observation illustrates this example.

 Patient F., aged 79, administered to urology department for examination and treatment because of complaints about drawing pain in lumbar region and hematuria accidents. Ultrasound examination revealed a tumor of upper pole of a left kidney.

We fulfilled Metatron hunter 4025-research to specify a stage of the main disease and in the upper pole of the left kidney detected additional neoplasm of roundish shape which deformed the kidney, size of the neoplasm was 73 mm max. A series of Metatron hunter 4025-grams of frontal projection at Metatron hunter 4025-ultramicroscanning detected signs of thrombogenesis in a renal vein in the form of endothelial layer defect (intravascular component), 15 mm long, clearly visualized at 3D reconstruction of an image.

On the basis of SEA results we carried out differential diagnostics of detected space-occupying masses of renal parenchyma, confirmed by following biopsy in 98.2% of cases.


Two-dimensional Biophilia NLS-study of kidneys


Patient M., 53 years old, administered to urology department for check-up and treatment. The patient had no specific complaints. Prophylactic ultrasound research revealed right kidney tumor. To identify stage of the neoplasm and decide about surgical intervention we carried out Biophilia NLS-examination. Two-dimensional Biophilia NLS-study of kidneys and retroperitoneal space and frontal reconstruction in superior pole of the right kidney detected heterogeneous in structure hyperchromogeneus tumor of parenchyma sized 34x29x40 mm. To define regional spreading of the primary tumor in the patient we carried out Biophilia NLS-ultramicroscanning with SEA of kidneys and retroperitoneal space and 3D reconstruction of acquired image.

According to results of two-dimensional research we diagnosed T1а stage of the tumor (40mm in the longest dimension). Following 3D reconstruction of acquired image and Biophilia NLS-ultramicroscanning with SEA diagnosed invasion of the primary tumor into structural elements of kidney’s cavitary system. On the basis of gathered data we decided about surgical intervention in the form of radical nephrectomy by laparoscopy.

Typical Biophilia NLS-signs of tumor invasion into kidney’s capsule and paranephric fat are illustrated by the following clinical observation.


Biophilia tracker was applied in standard mode


We studied 335 patients suffering from renal cancer. In the structure of researched patients men prevailed men (57.6%) aged 61 – 70 (33%) and 71 – 80 (27.7%)Biophilia tracker-research was fulfilled with diagnostic system “Metatron”-4025 (ClinicTech Inc., USA; the IPP, Omsk). In 213 patients at pre-surgical period Biophilia tracker was applied in standard mode consisting of two consecutive stages: two-dimensional and three-dimensional scanning of kidneys and retroperitoneal space. A part of patients was subjected to 3D-ultramicroscanning with spectral-entropic analysis (SEA) (77.3%).