
Biophilia NLS can help you Enjoy good health


The Biophilia tracker is base on Metatron 4025 Hunter And other NLS system. it is with auto therapy and 4D Torsion scan functions ect. It Has a rich databases. about more than 5000 etalons . It performed better.Have a best discount price in this month.

We have sold 5000 units, 99% of which are working perfectly and tested very rigorously before we deliver them. If there is a real quality problem, we will replace the new equipment free of charge immediately, and we will provide a free three-year warranty service.
We have 12 years experience of bio-resonance technology. We can provide you with better technical service support. More experience can be imparted.
All models free shipping to your home address, Door to door services by Express. About 5-7 working days can arrive .

If you need more detail about our devices,Please contact me,i iwll send you soon.Thank you very much.

The Benefits we offer :
1.)We have the detailed user manual and video help you to learn well after you buying.
2.) If you need more training about devices , we also can introduce you professional trainer for training.
3.) We have 3 year warranty about all devices. And it also can be free updated software forever.

