
A cyst at Hunter 4025 nls-research

A cyst at Hunter 4025 nls-research is shown as a subchondral nidus of bone tissue destruction with preserved bone contour, when erosion – is a subchondral nidus of bone tissue destruction with breached contour of a bone. These signs are revealed by Hunter 4025 nls-ultramicroscanning. Bone destruction degree is measured according to six-point color scale of Fleindler.


Hunter 4025-research method in visualization of processes


Possibilities of Hunter 4025-research method in visualization of processes related to affection of bones, joints and periarticular structures allowed to reveal and describe new data corresponding to typical manifestation of an early RA. Such finding include: ostitis, synovitis, destructive changes of bone tissue (cysts and erosion), tendinitis and tendinous synovitis, changes in arthrodial cartilage and changes in surrounding muscles.


Metatron hunter research can be repeated quite frequently

At the present moment there are no scientific works describing application of Metatron hunter  in early diagnostics of RA. Until now the method is still not verified and consequently should be investigated further. Also high hopes are put on this method, because according to our data basing of results of Metatron hunter-study it is possible to carry out early and complete diagnostics of RA, stratify patients in accordance with erosive changes development risk rate and choose a proper tactics of patients with an early RA treatment. Thanks to the absence of radiation exposure, Metatron hunter research can be repeated quite frequently – it will allow to monitor changes in joints and surrounding soft tissues condition and efficiency of applied treatment, including with application of “biological” agents.


Modern radiodiagnosis of osseous-articular system affection

Modern radiodiagnosis of osseous-articular system affection includes ultrasound research, bones scintigraphy with contrast agent, destometry of hands and feet bones, CT and the latest methods, such as Metatron hunter 4025-studies. We will not describe in details advantages and disadvantages of each of mentioned methods. However it should be noted that at the present moment the greatest interest is generated, apart from traditional roentgenography, by Metatron hunter 4025-graphy, which can be fulfilled with two types of devices – low-frequency with a feature of two-dimensional visualization only (“Metatron”-4017 system with 860 MHz generator frequency) and high-frequency devices with a feature of three-dimensional reconstruction of an image (“Metatron”-4025 system with 4.9 GHz generator frequency).


One of the most widely spread rheumatic disease

Efficiency of one of the most widely spread rheumatic disease – rheumatoid arthritis (RA) treatment has increased greatly in the last decade because of development and introduction into clinical practice of new medications, which can prevent inevitable progressing of joints destruction and joint dysfunction in patients with RA. Studies of RA pathogenesis allowed to make a conclusion about necessity in active early treatment, application of basic anti-inflammatory therapy (BAIT), because it can help to modify clinical course of the disease more efficiently and also it ensures positive prognosis for functional condition of affected joints. Appearance of new group of preparations – biological agents (antycytoktine therapy) and their application in combination with traditional means of BAIT allow to achieve a significant success in treatment of RA patients. At the same time it was found that duration of “therapeutic period” – a period of time since the moment of definite RA diagnosing till the moment when active therapy poorly affects joints destruction – is quite short – a year approximately, and the best results are achieved in the beginning of a therapy, within first three months since the incursion of the disease.
Metapathia hunter can test human body health,if you want to know more,please contact me.


Biophilia tracker-semiotica of IPA

Biophilia tracker-semiotica of IPA included nidal and interstitial hyperchromogenic changes, revealed most frequently at the early stages of the disease (1st – 4th day since the moment of clinical manifestations).
On 5th – 7th day we mainly registered foci and areas of alveolar infiltration, which evidenced progressing of the process. We should note subpleural localization of nidal and interstitial changes mainly, and revealed by Biophilia tracker-study connection of nidi and infiltration foci with vessels.

During the later period, starting from the 8th day since clinical manifestations, changes were polymorphous: we could see isochromogenic nidi, foci and infiltration areas, in rare cases – interstitial changes of pulmonary tissue. Only during the third period of IPA we registered air crescent symptom. Revealing of this symptom was a positive sign and it evidenced resolution of pathological changes.


Metapathia hunter 4025 and MRI data

Appearance of infiltration areas of conical form, adjoining pleura with broad side, evidenced development of infarction-pneumonia, which was one of IPA manifestations as a result of vessel wall infiltration and its lumen obstruction with filaments. A sign of a negative prognosis was fine-focal hypechromogenic dissemination, which was detected in lungs of patients with aspergillosis generalization. In all three cases a brain was affected because of generalization; changes in a brain were confirmed by Metapathia hunter 4025  and MRI data, succeeded by lethal outcome.
It should be noted that during examination of IPA patients Metapathia hunter 4025-graphy was more informative in comparison with traditional radiographic examination (see Table 1).


Hunter 4025 nls-study in correspondingly

The earliest signs of IPA were nidal and interstitial hyperchromogenic changes of tissues, revealed by Hunter 4025 nls-study in 75% and 67% of cases correspondingly. Roentgenography turned out to be less informative during the initial stage. Frequency of nidal and interstitial changes revealing according to roentgenography data was statistically reliably lesser – 19% and 42% correspondingly. Foci of alveolar infiltration were revealed in a significantly lesser percentage of cases according to both methods.
Nidal changes of pulmonary tissue during the second period of time (4th – 8th day) were revealed less frequently than during the first period of time. Frequency of interstitial changes areas revealing was also lesser. Foci had different shapes, more often roundish, homogeneous structure, were of subpleural location and had a connection with vessels.


Hunter 4025-semiotics of IPA varied

At the same time detecting of this symptom concurred with finishing of agranulemia period. It should be noted that even at application of corresponding antimycotic therapy and positive clinical dynamics, changes in lungs significantly increased after neutropaenia period was over. This condition was registered in 15 (27%) of patients. After continuous therapeutic interventions we detected decreasing of amount and intensity of changes in lungs.
Hunter 4025-semiotics of IPA varied. Table 1 shows data about various types of changes in lungs, registered in patients with neutropaenia.


Revealing of A fumigatus antigen in blood


In one patient IPA developed when he was completely healthy. However it was known that this patients worked at hay storage, where risk of Aspergillus infestation is increased. Age of all studied patients varied from 7 to 63 (on the average 31.9 ± 2.21 years old). Men prevailed in this group of investigated patients – 34 (61.8%).

Revealing of A.fumigatus antigen in blood was carried out in all patients. A positive result was registered in 82% of cases. Cultural investigation of a phlegm and bronchoalveolar lavage was fulfilled in 69%, growth of A.fumigatus was registered in 24% and 40% correspondingly. At microscopic evaluation of a phlegm and bronchial liquid mycelium was found in 12% and 20% of cases correspondingly.


Metatron hunter 4025 with spectral-entropic analysis

During the research we used Metatron hunter 4025-ultramicroscanning mode with spectral-entropic analysis (SEA), allowing to evaluate spectral similarity of affected lung tissues to “Aspergillus fumigatus” etalon. During the initial fulfillment of Metatron hunter 4025-graphy of thorax organs, the examination was dome in three-dimensional mode mainly.
Differing from two-dimensional scanning it allowed to exclude a possibility of small pathological lesions (nidi, cavities, bronchiectasis, etc.) missing, and to increase a resolution along longitudinal axis of scanning in order to check lateral structures, located perpendicularly or at an angle to Metatron hunter 4025-gram plane.


Clinical methods of investigations included examination by a therapist


Clinical methods of investigations included examination by a therapist, clinical and biochemical blood tests, fiber-optic bronchoscopy, study of external respiration function. Microbiological study was carried out in accordance with standard practice. To reveal supersensitiveness of an organism to possible allergens, the researchers applied a method of skin testing and revealing of specific IgE in blood serum. Allergological testing was carried out in allergology room of mycology department.

To fulfill mycological examination of a phlegm and liquid from bronchi, phlegm was gathered into a sterile container after cleaning of mouth cavity (tooth brushing, gargling with soda liquor), liquid from bronchi was gathered during bronchoscopic investigation.

Metapathia hunter can test human body health and improve their body health.


Three-dimensional virtual Metapathia hunter 4025-diagnostics


1. Three-dimensional virtual Metapathia hunter 4025-diagnostics method makes possible to increase informativity in revealing of direct and indirect symptoms of biliary obstruction.
2. Ultramicroscanning mode with SEA is the most optimal for revealing of lesser space-occupying masses and identifying of their character.
3. Application of three-dimensional virtual Metapathia hunter 4025-reconstruction of an image method provides early revealing of biliary obstruction reasons, reduces the price of patients investigation thanks to more rational application of expensive and invasive diagnostic methods.

4. Three-dimensional virtual Metapathia hunter 4025-diagnostics allows to evaluate results of treatment maneuvers.


Biophilia tracker can test human body health and improve human body health

New medical technologies have been developing very quickly in the last decades. A significant success was achieved in treatment of oncological and oncohematological diseases. Development of transplantology increases chances of oncologic patients for recovery. However application of cytostatic and immune suppressing medications, ensuring functioning of transplantates, leads to severe decreasing of immunity and appearance of complications in a form of opportunistic infections. Besides, group of infections development risk includes patients suffering from acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), complications after abdominal surgical interventions, major severe burns, and premature newborns or newborns subjected to aggressive medical therapy within the first days of life (parenteral feeding and massive antibacterial therapy). Among contributive risk factors of invasive mycoses development are intake of antibiotic with a wide spectrum for more than two weeks, total intravenous nutrition, continuous artificial lung ventilation, shock, preceding mycotic infections.
Biophilia tracker can test human body health,and it can improve human body health.


Three-dimensional virtual Hunter 4025 nls-diagnostics method


Thus non-invasive methods of diagnostics, including one of the net trends – three-dimensional virtual Hunter 4025 nls-diagnostics method, provide increasingly accurate diagnostic information. Application of this technology allows not only to decrease a risk of various complications development, related to invasive diagnostics application (endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography), but in some cases to exclude application of duplicate radiological methods (CT) and to optimize diagnostic algorithm of patients examination.

Reliability of ultrasound research in revealing and differentiation of bile excretory ducts is quite high, but sonographic signs, used to fulfill proper differential diagnostics, are far from perfect. The important moment is the application of modern diagnostics equipment and new research technologies.


Advantages of three-dimensional Hunter 4025-graphy


Especially obvious advantages of three-dimensional Hunter 4025-graphy over a standard ultrasound research can be seen at revealing of major duodenal papilla tumor sized less than 10 mm.

In order to carry out differential diagnostics and to confirm results of an ultrasound research, in 8 cases from this group we applied endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography, which allowed to specify histological structure of a tumor, but in 12.5% this procedure was accompanied by complications in a form of acute pancreatitis development.

In all our studies (of 14 patients) a direct signs of a common bile duct tumorous affection were local lesion of the duct’s wall (of various length) with disintegration of layer-by-layer structure of a tissue and hyperchromogenic growth in a lumen of the duct. Visualization of affected wall at Hunter 4025 was significantly improved by following processing of an acquired image.


Major duodenal papilla tumor in 6 patients

Tumors of distal bile-excreting ducts and major duodenal papilla due to tumorous invasion, circular squeezing and growth into a lumen of a duct may cause an obstruction. At the same time indirect symptoms of biliary obstruction are registered: dilation of proximal areas of bile ducts; enlargement of gall bladder; development of hepatic changes, typical for hepatic secretory obstruction. At accompanying obstruction of main pancreatic duct directly at the point of transition to ampoule, a dilation of a duct is detected distal to obstruction level.
In the second group of 20 patients with major duodenal papilla tumor in 6 patients we registered a growth of a tumor into a lumen of a duodenum, in 14 patients – into a lumen of a common bile duct. Precise diagnostics with ultrasound research was done in 19 patients (in 1 patient with growth of a tumor into a lumen of a common bile duct ultrasound found a tumor of pancreatic head with metastases into distal parts of a common bile duct).


Three-dimensional Metatron hunter-graphy was carried with Metatron-4025 (IPP, Russia) system

At the first stage all patients were subjected to routine ultrasound examination of hepatobiliary system organs. Further on, in order to specify a nosological for of a disease, we used method of three-dimensional virtual Metatron hunter-reconstruction of an image and other hardware and laboratory researches (in accordance to medical and financial standards for this nosological type of a disease).
Ultrasound examination was carried out with Acuson Sequoia 512 (Siemens, Germany) device, with multifrequency curvilinear transducer (2.5 – 6 MHz). Three-dimensional Metatron hunter-graphy was carried with Metatron-4025 (IPP, Russia) system with 4.9 GHz frequency generator and “Metapathia GR Clinical” software allowing to carry out three-dimensional virtual rendering of an object. Three-dimensional reconstruction was possible because of integrated into Metatron system specialized computer and mathematical program for Metatron hunter-information processing and virtual rendering of an image in various formats. The acquired data was processed with programs of interactive multidimensional visualization – 4D Tissue. These programs allow to get images with shaded surface and transparent layers.


Clinical signs of pancreas affection


We carried out a retrospective analysis of 34 patients’ clinical records, who were admitted to the clinic with symptoms of biliary obstruction. The first (control) group consisted of 30 patients administered to residential treatment without symptoms of gastrointestinal tract diseases. The second group – 20 (of 34) patients with major duodenal papilla tumor, the third group – 14 (of 34) patients with tumorous affection of distal bile-excreting ducts. In patients of the second group we registered clinical signs of pancreas affection two times more often. Continuance of symptoms in both groups was from 3 days to 4 months (Table 1).


Three-dimensional Metapathia hunter-image reconstruction in modern diagnostics

At the present moment none of clinical and hardware investigation methods can properly solve all these objectives alone. Results of roentgen diagnostics of cancerous affection are far from perfect. It is important to define a role of not separate methods of clinical and hardware investigation, but of their combination.

The objective of this work is a study of three-dimensional Metapathia hunter-image reconstruction in modern diagnostics of distal bile-excreting ducts and major duodenal papilla tumors.


Metapathia hunter 4025-ultramicroscanning allows to carry out a biopsy

In all diagnostically not specified cases in is recommended to apply Metapathia hunter 4025 with SEA to make a clear diagnosis and exclude obstructive jaundice. Diagnostic accuracy of Metapathia hunter 4025 with SEA is 89.4% – 97.8% (at comparison with data acquired during surgical operation or autopsy). The method is considered more efficient than ultrasound research, CT or endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography. 
Moreover method of Metapathia hunter 4025-ultramicroscanning allows to carry out a biopsy.

Three-dimensional hunter 4025 nls-imaging method


Modern and accurate diagnostics of pancreas diseases, gall bladder and biliary ducts, without which it is impossible to carry out proper treatment, is regarded as one of the most important objectives in a modern gastroenterology. Three-dimensional hunter 4025 nls-imaging method still has not found a wide spreading in gastroenterology. Mainly it is applied for differential diagnostics of focal lesions.
In a group of patients with tumorous affection of bilepancreaticoduodenal region organs, neoplasms of major duodenal papilla are registered in 12% – 20% and comprise approximately 5% of all gastrointestinal tract tumors. A tumor may grow from epithelium of a common bile duct, pancreatic duct or mucous tunic of duodenum. Major duodenal papilla cancer crows relatively slow and metastasizes rather late. Most often a tumor represents an adenocarcinoma at microscope research. Location of a tumor at this level promotes relatively early appearance of jaundice. At major duodenal papilla cancer a jaundice is either of wave-form (without complete normalization of bilirubin level), or intermittent (with increasing of bilirubin and short-term period of decreasing to a normal level). Tumors of major duodenal papilla ulcerate quite quickly. This fact promotes infiltration of an infection from duodenum to biliary ducts and pancreatic ducts. Inflammatory component at major duodenal papilla cancer leads to a serious diagnostic mistakes.