
Biophilia NLS diagnosis Acute pancreatitis

In 1992 at International symposium concerning acute pancreatitis in Atlanta (USA) the classification based on differentiation of intrabelly and system complications of acute pancreatitis taking into account of development features of inflammatory and destructive processes, and also disease severity levels has been recommended for clinical use as a result of agreement of 40 leading surgeons-pancreatologists from 15 countries of the world.
Acute pancreatitis was defined as an acute inflammatory process in pancreatic gland with variable involving of other regional tissues or distant systems and organs.

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A complex of Biophilia tracker-signs of inflammatory changes

During statistical processing of a material it was found that between a complex of Biophilia tracker-signs of inflammatory changes in an intestinal wall and endoscopic stages of inflammatory process, a strong correlation linl exists, and it is authentic.
Thus, Biophilia tracker-research with use NLS-angiography and Biophilia tracker-ultramicroscanning can be applied both for diagnostics of inflammatory process location in small and large intestine, and for evaluation of inflammatory process activity at observation of patients with Crohn’s disease, along with endoscopic and radiological methods.

Unlike endoscopic and radiological methods of diagnostics, Biophilia tracker-research can be applied without limitations, as it is safe for the patient. For acquiring of high quality information, Biophilia tracker-research of intestines should be done before endoscopy or in 2–3 days after endoscopic research.


Biophilia NLS-graphy data and results of endoscopic researches

The following data was obtained by comparison of Biophilia NLS-graphy data and results of endoscopic researches.
 At endoscopic remission the structure of an intestinal wall was not changed in 93.3% of cases, affection of vessels was not detected (in 73.3% of patients) or was minor (in 26.7% of patients).

In 1 patient with remission of inflammatory process and pseudopolyposis we revealed ulcerous defects in the form of single hyperchromogenic inclusions in submucous layer, at the same time vessels affections were not expressed. It means that Biophilia NLS-signs should be used only altogether for definition of an inflammatory process stage. Biophilia NLS-research of this patient was carried out on next day after colonoscopy, and gas between pseudo-polyps in segmented intestine was taken for achromogenic cavities in a mucous layer. This case also says that Biophilia NLS-research should be applied before colonoscopy or in 2–3 days after it.


Biophilia NLS-research results analysis

At the second stage of work we have studied possibilities of Biophilia NLS-research in revealing of destructive changes in small and large intestine at Crohn’s disease. We took endoscopic research for “the gold standard”. Stages of endoscopic changes at this pathology (remission and aggravation stages (aphthoid ulcer, ulcers, ulcers-cracks, scarring) were considered as the basis of Biophilia NLS-research results analysis.
Thus we used a complex of the Biophilia NLS-signs including presence of pathologically changed vessels and change of intestinal wall structure (Table 2).


Biophilia NLS-angiography

As our researches have shown, for Crohn’s disease following Biophilia NLS-signs are typical.
1. Damage of an intestine wall. It is necessary to notice that wall damage happened in all layers (97.2%), which evidences transmural affection. However in 2.8% of cases changes were detected in mucous-submucous layer. At acute inflammatory process we detected affected lymph nodes of average chromogeneity (4-5 points on Fleindler’s scale) in paraintestinal fiber.
2. Ulcerous defects. Ulcerous defects were characterised by absence of an accurate differentiation of layers in 77.7% of cases, hyperchromogenic inclusions in submucous layer – in 32.3%, total affection of a mucous layer – in 14.4%. Wide and narrow defects of submucous layer with longitudinal orientation were revealed in 31.1% of cases only.
On the basis of the comparative analysis of Biophilia NLS-graphy results and pathomorphological researches we have developed a method of Biophilia NLS-diagnostics of intestines ulcerous affections. At inflammatory process in an intestine, both at Crohn’s disease, and at ulcerative colitis, we marked changes of intestinal wall structure and its chromogeneity. These researches were carried out in a small number of patients with Crohn’s disease. Kuznetsova T.G. et al. has described changes of intestinal wall structure in the form of affected hollow organ symptom, on the basis of which it is possible to carry out differential diagnostics of intestines diseases. We have also revealed other changes in an intestine wall, such as hyperchromogenic inclusions, total affection of a mucous layer, narrow and wide defects of submucous layer, and have proven that such signs are typical for ulcerous affection.
3. Presence of pathologically changed vessels. Biophilia NLS-angiography have shown expressed changes of intestine wall vessels in 52.6% of cases, in 17.9% – average expressiveness of changes, in 11.6% – minor changes, in 17.9% of patients affection of vessels was not identified. Severe changes of a vascular wall evidence activity of inflammatory process. We have also investigated quantitative characteristics of a bloodflow in an intestine wall at inflammatory process, such as an index of resistance and speed of a bloodflow, which were compared to the results of central haemodynamics. We have found mechanisms of bloodflow abnormalities in an intestine wall, depending on expressiveness of inflammatory process according to Biophilia NLS-graphy.

4. Presence infiltration, fistulas, strictures and perianal complications, diagnostics of which will not be given in this article.

Biophilia NLS-research of intestines

Complex Biophilia NLS-research of intestines included two-dimensional and three-dimensional scanning, ultramicroscanning and spectral-entropic analysis (SEA) of an intestinal wall structures.
NLS-research was carried out with devices Biophilia NLS with nonlinear sensor working of 4.9GHz frequency. During the research we identified chromogeneity of intestines tissues on six point color Fleindler’s scale and a condition of a vascular channel.


Biophilia tracker-research application in diagnostics of diseases of an intestine

Medical references contain information about Biophilia tracker-research application in diagnostics of diseases of an intestine.
These researches have shown high informativity of a method at oncological diseases of intestines. Possibilities of Biophilia tracker-graphy at Crohn’s disease in diagnostics of process location, revealing of complications, definition of process activity were never studied, according to our data.


At Biophilia nls affection of the gland was marked in all cases

At Biophilia nls affection of the gland was marked in all cases. In all patients we detected presence of high chromogeneity areas (5-6 points on a Fleindler’s scale) in structure of the gland. The quantity of the areas varied from one to five: in 4 patients – one area, in 3 – two, in 2 patients – four, and in another 2 – five areas were visualized. Altogether 28 areas were revealed. The structure of 24 areas was non-uniform, of 4 – homogeneous, that complicated differential diagnostics.
Three-dimensional angiography mode detected affection of the gland’s vessels with presence of vessels affection zones in a projection of hyperchromogenic areas.


laboratory researches and NLS-research using Biophilia tracker device

We have carried out the retrospective analysis of examinations of 11 patients suffering aggravation of chronic prostatitis, complicated by development of prostate abscess. Average age of patients was 42.5 ± 3.7 years (27 to 51 years old). All patients were subjected to complex research including analysis of the clinical data, digital rectal examination of prostate gland, laboratory researches and NLS-research using Biophilia tracker device with generator frequency of 4,9 GHz, equipped with program “Metapathia GR Clinical” (Institute of Practical Psychophysics, Russia), with possibility of Biophilia tracker-angiography. NLS-research included two-dimensional and three-dimensional scanning, ultramicroscanning and spectral-entropic analysis (SEA) of prostate gland tissues structures. NLS-angiography was applied before treatment, then in 2 weeks, in 1 month and in 1.5 months. Our study involved patients treated with conservative methods of this disease treatment, including a course of antibiotic treatment.


Application of Biophilia tracker looks very promising first of all in oncology

Doubtful and questionable results of scanning may be re-analyzed in details and with involvement of experts, who can give independent interpretation of saved multidimensional image.
Application of Biophilia tracker looks very promising first of all in oncology, because improvement of computer diagnostic software, introduction of SEA of tumor structure, visualization of its surface in three dimensions, and future increasing of resolution capability of a method thanks to development of new high-frequency devices, will improve not only primary diagnostics of neoplastic affections, but finally allow to carry out differential diagnostics between malignant and benign nature of neoplasms.


biophilia nls-graphy role in investigation

At progressing neoplastic process and development of small intestine ascite, intestinal peritoneum, greater and lesser omentum may be successfully visualized.
N. Hunerbein et al., after studying of biophilia nls-graphy’s role in investigation of 100 patients with rectum cancer, concluded that this method allows to evaluate areas of affection in various projections and crosscuts, which is practically impossible for traditional 3D NLS-graphy.


Biophilia tracker-graphy allows to study in details a wall of gastrointestinal tract

Biophilia tracker-graphy allows to study in details a wall of gastrointestinal tract, surrounding organs and structures. Biophilia tracker, while improving visualization, promotes identification of true topographic relations and a nature of pathological formations. It is a clinically sifnificant method for diagnostics of local tumorous affections and diffuse changes of intestine and stomach walls, detection of intraluminal pathology.


4D NLS exceeds 3D in evaluation of spleen

Splenomegaly is the most frequently diagnosed pathological condition of a spleen. Its focal affections, conditioned by malignant of benign tumor, as well as cysts are easily identified by 4D NLS.
4D NLS exceeds 3D in evaluation of spleen, allowing to identify its condition, first of all volume of affection, with high precision. Easily produced high-quality 4D NLS image of spleen in NLS-ultramicroangiography mode helps to provide quick and accurate diagnosing of its infarction or trauma.
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4D-Biophilia NLS

S. Wagner et al., have carried out 3D and 4D NLS study of 93 patients with chronic diffuse hepatic diseases and compared results achieved with both methods. 4D exceeded 3D NLS study in evaluation of hepatic vessels and gall ducts condition. 4D NLS data was found to be more informative in diagnostics of Budd-Chiari syndrome, primary sclerosing cholangitis, but it did not give additional information for differential diagnostics of chronic diffuse hepatic diseases.
According to G. Esmot 4D NLS is a perfect method allowing to evaluate liver condition at cirrhosis; in this case acquired image is rather close to an image acquired at laparoscopy.

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Biophilia tracker-4D torsion scan

In developed countries CT, MRI and ultrasound methods, complementing each other and sometimes competing, have become obligatory visual methods applied in hepatology. At the same time, Biophilia tracker-graphy, while being not the most widely spread method, has certain advantages: better ability to present general panoramic image of large structures, no chance of artifacts, usually appearing when a ray comes through gas, bone or fat, typical for all ray-investigation mathods.


Biophilia NLS-picture of lymph nodes is registered

While evaluating a condition of lymph nodes, a therapist must be aware that a presence of a changed lymph node may evidence both hyperplasia of the node and its metastatic affection, however at multiple tumorous affection metastases may belong to different tumors.
Quite typical Biophilia NLS-picture of lymph nodes is registered at lymphogranulomatosis. In this case we see several affected lymph nodes (one or several groups of lymph nodes). A node has homogeneous, often moderately chromogenic structure. A group of enlarged lymph nodes (a “pack”) is represented by clearly limited, not-affecting a capsule, and not-merging lymph nodes and it may be located in a certain area (for example in left or right supraclavicular area) or in several areas (lymph nodes of mediastinum, supraclavicular nodes and in a lower third of a neck in one or both sides, etc.).


Biophilia NLS-picture

A structure of a lymph node, at replacement by tumorous tissue, is more often heterogeneous or hyperchromogenic. Moderately chromogenic lymph nodes (for example at melanoma) or even hypochromogenic (at dendritic cancer) may be registered. Sometimes hypochromogenic inclusions (calcifications) may be visualized in a metastatic-changed lymph node, intranodal necrosis with a typical achromogenic Biophilia NLS-picture may be registered.


Biophilia tracker play a role in the diagnosis

Interrelation of a lymph node with surrounding tissues means a collocation of a node and surrounding tissues: absence of a link or preserving of a capsule, presence of a connective tissue between a lymph node and other structures; adhesion or contact with an organ (vessel, etc.) without breaching of its integrity; involvement into tumorous process.
In elderly people a reduction and hardening of lymph nodes is detected, some of nodes merge together (in elderly people large nodes are usually found). At the same time there is a replacement of large areas by fatty tissue. Fatty infiltration destroys a capsule of a node in senile age. Lymph nodes with fat (often peripheral ones) look like roundish or oval structures with moderately chromogenic heterogeneous (sometimes netlike) central part and relatively thin hypochromogenic frame. A capsule of a node may be seen fragmentary.

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who needs biophilia nls

We believe that vessels in an inflamed node are of more hyperchromogenic character (6 points at a Fleindler’s scale) than vessels of a metastatic-changed lymph node, which are usually hyperchromogenic (4-5 points).
In a major hyperplastic hyperchromogenic lymph node vessels of peripheral areas are more changed that those in a center of a node.
At hyperplasia, in case of positive result of a treatment, lymph nodes become less chromogenic, changed areas of become lesser. At chronic lymphadenitis we often detect affection of a capsule (5-6 points) and its merging with surrounding tissues.

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Biophilia NLS data

Chromogeneity of lymph nodes is evaluated by relation to surrounding tissues (cellular tissue, most often) and can be divided into high, medium and low (hyper- or hypochromogenic, iso- or achromogenic lymph nodes).
A lymph node is covered with connective capsule, which is represented by hypochromogenic frame with even contours (wave-like contour is quite frequent, in depends on a structure of a capsule). A capsule, surrounding lymph node from all sides, as a rule, gets thicker in an area of node’s portal; trabecules, or connective septas, go from internal surface into depth of a node.

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