
Quantum Resonance Magnetic Analyzer And Sub-health

 Human body sub-health, just as its name implies, that is, people's body in a not disease health status. Because "and" here means a second-class state of health. So some experts said the health as "health". When people have the health in our body is in the midst of a physiological function gradually low physiological state.

In recent years, because of the situation to sub-health state is also more and more. For example, some usual can often hear some diseases: cardiovascular disease, hepatitis, and some diseases related to metabolism. Can be said to be inseparable and sub-health state. In order to solve the problem of this on the one hand, to the masses, improve the quality of the individual's physical health, so the scientists have developed a called "quantum resonance magnetic analyzer" electronic instruments. Can help people to get rid of sub-health state.
Quantum Analyzer is also known as "quantum resonance magnetic analyzer", the use of quantum theory is analyzed, and the resonance magnetic system can accurately diagnose the sub-health state of the human body, human cells through data report, clear and intuitive.
Because the sub-health is a meaning above is general concept. It is inside the human body has a certain degree of attack. Such as tapping the symptoms can be embodied in the occasional insomnia, loss of appetite, sometimes develop the constancy of fatigue, or emotional instability. As time goes by, if people don't pay attention, will become the above some of the important diseases. For those who have no consciousness of the masses to provide a more scientific health knowledge reference alone. Research and development of quantum analyzer in the period of experiment had multiple clinical test and verify. The large amounts of data are drawn. These data can be used in the testing process. Can provide credibility for patients with a high degree of health reference data.


RESULTS AND DISCUSSION-For Metatron 4025 hunter


1. Ultramicro-Metatron 4025 hunter-semiotics of urinary bladder tumors. Difficulties of Metatron 4025 hunter--diagnostics of urinary bladder tumors
We have developed ultramicro-Metatron 4025 hunter--semiotics of healthy urinary bladder wall and urinary bladder wall with tumoral affection. Healthy urinary bladder wall has 2.5-8.0 mm. in thickness (depending on its filling). In majority of cases it is possible to visualize 3 layers of bladder wall:
1) inner layer corresponds to mucous membrane with submucous layer; in its normal state – moderate hypochromogenic (2-3 points according to Fleindler’s scale);
2) middle layer corresponds to muscular layer; in its normal state – hypochromogenic (2 points according to Fleindler’s scale);
3) outer layer corresponds to adventitious membrane; in its normal state – a-hypochromogenic (1-2 points according to Fleindler’s scale);

Most commonly urinary bladder cancer in Metatron 4025 hunter--microscopic image has an appearance of exophytic formation of high hyperchromogenecy (5-6 points according to Fleindler’s scale) of round or irregular-shape with uneven surface. In case of absence of infiltrating growth the line between tumor bottom and urinary bladder wall is sharply defined, even and hypochromogenic (1-2 points). In case of infiltration the line between tumor bottom and urinary bladder wall firstly becomes uneven, obscure then there appear tumor structures in the wall’s depth. In this case wall layers stop differentiating. If the tumor grows into the whole wall’s depth then the outer contour of the wall becomes uneven, sometimes obscure.


Bioplasm machine-research of urinary bladder

Full-scale Bioplasm machine-research of 365 patients (aged 26 – 83) with malignant tumoral affection of urinary bladder was performed in the Institute named after Gertsen P.A. 317 patients (86.8%) suffered from bladder cancer, 4 patients (1.1%) had sarcoma, 6 patients (1.6%) suffered from tumor deposits of another primary site, 2 patients (0.5%) had malignant non-Hodgkins lymphoma with bladder affection, 36 patients (9.9%) had tumor ingrowths into bladder wall from the adjacent organs. Male patients consisted the majority – 273 patients (74.8%) and 92 female patients (25.2%).

All patients were examined using Bioplasm machine-research of urinary bladder. In all cases the microscanning of urinary bladder wall with spectral-entropy analysis of tissue structures was performed to provide differential diagnostics of various cancer types.

All patients were operated on not later than 2 weeks after performance of NLS-research, the data of morphological research were compared with the results of NLS-ultramicroscanning with spectral-entropy analysis.

We have carried out NLS-ultramicroscopic research of 28 patients with no urinary bladder pathologies to examine NLS-ultramicroscopic features of healthy urinary bladder wall.


NLS-semiotics of pulmonary gangrene

NLS-semiotics of pulmonary gangrene differed by significant diversification of a picture due to spreading of purulent-destructive process to the whole lung with involvement of pleura and, as a result, a combination of various NLS-symptoms. Analysis of NLS-image was carried out taking into account the whole clinical picture. After taking as a basis of classification the leading symptom we nominally singled out three NLS-variants of gangrene. At the first variant (11 patients) in a lung against the background of massive inflammatory infiltration we detected a major cavity of destruction with mainly liquid content, NLS-picture was analogous to gangrenous abscess with insufficient spontaneous drainage. Walls of a cavity were not visualized, it was limited by lung parenchyma, in certain areas the line between them was indistinct.
At the second variant (7 patients) in the picture prevailed total thickening (accompanied by increasing of chromogeneity) of a lobe or the whole lung with presence of multiple roundish achromogenic areas due to lesser air cavities of destruction. In 3 patients, apart from air cavities, there were hyperchromogenic fluid-containing cavities of decay (6 point), in one patient they prevailed in the structure of gangrenous lung. In 8 of 18 patients with first two variants of gangrene a pleural empyema with the typical picture appeared.
The third variant of lung gangrene (4 patients) had a course with development of pyopneumothorax, when a massive pleural fluid with heterogeneous suspension and achromogenic inclusions of air was the leading echo-symptom. Gangrenous changes in a pulmonary tissue were characterized by one of above mentioned variants: a major cavity with purulent content of multiple lesser nidi of destruction.

Thus, NLS-research of thorax is an informative, radiologically safe method of purulent-destructive lungs and pleura diseases diagnostics, allowing to not only acquire additional information, but to carry out primary examination and dynamic monitoring. NLS-semiotics of pathological changes in a lung is diverse and depends, first of all, on focal or diffuse character of lung affection. Analysis of NLS-picture makes possible to define a character and severity a purulent-destructive process in a lung (acute purulent or gangrenous abscess, abscess forming pneumonia, gangrene), its spreading to pleural cavity (empyema, pyopneumothorax). The common factor, which determines NLS-picture of purulent cavity at abscess and abscess forming pneumonia, is a condition of its spontaneous drainage, which is evaluated by quantity and character of distribution of achromogenic air areas in a cavity. The main symptom of pleural empyema is a presence of a thick chromogeneous suspension in pleural fluid; at pyopneumothorax achromogenic air areas appear. NLS-semiotics of gangrene is quite diverse due to the greatest severity of destructive changes and is formed by focal and diffuse changes in a lung, although its clinical course may be characterized by prevalence of one of these variants.



Possibilities of NLS-study methods in examination of certain skin diseases

Wide spread of skin diseases dictates a necessity in early and maximum accurate diagnostics, because severe forms of skin diseases decrease greatly quality of life of a patient and his family, promote development of a psychosomatic disorders. Visual evaluation of symptoms and severity of a disease often has subjective nature.
From histological point of view skin consists of two layers: epidermis and derma which are closely connected. On histological cross-cuts of skin a line between epidermis and derma looks uneven due to presence of many dermal papillae divided by outgrowths of epidermis. Epidermis consists of several layers: basal, spinous, granular and horny. In epidermis of palms and feet, between granular and horny layers there is additional layer – stratum lucidum. Sometimes the aggregate of basal, spinous and granular layers is called a malpighian layer.
Derma is a connective basis of skin, where perspiratory and sebaceous glands, blood and lymph vessels, nerves and smooth muscles are located. There are papillary and reticular layers of derma. Papillary layer, located under epidermis, and a part of reticular layer conditionally form upper derma; layer of derma located at the level of pilosebaceous unit is indicated as middle derma; the underlying layer containing perspiratory glands, bordering subcutaneous fat, is called a deep derma.
Blood vessels of skin form two anatomic plexuses: a deep one, located next to subcutaneous fat, and a superficial one, located in sub-papillary layer. They consist of microcirculatory bloodstream vessels: arterioles, venules and capillary tubes.
Total thickness of skin without subcutaneous fat varies from bits of a millimeter to 4 mm.
Exiting systems for NLS-diagnostics (“Metatron”-4019) are equipped with high-frequency linear generators (1.4 GHz) allowing to visualize the most superficial structures, in particular skin. However to evaluate condition of ultrafine structures of skin such frequency is not enough sometimes. That is why dermatologists started to use special devices with sensors of 40 GHz operating frequency, which allow to see the finest structures of skin layers down to the level of large carbohydrate molecules and peptides. But at the same time due to significant cost of such equipment if becomes unaffordable for wide application in the majority of clinics. Taking into account a need in evaluation of regional lymph nodes and tumors of soft tissues, apparently the optimal decision is to use devices for non-linear diagnostics equipped with non-linear sensors of 4.9 GHz operating frequency (“Metatron”-4025, the IPP, Russia).
“Metatron”-4025 system has axial resolution of 30 µm. Application of this device allows to study epidermis on cellular and sub-cellular levels.

Nowadays objectives and limits of three-dimensional NLS-ultramicroscanning research in dermatology have become very broad.


Auxiliary treatment of covid-19 patients with oxygen concentrator

Working Principle
The Oxygen Concentrator adopts the advanced (PSA) pressure swing adsorption air separation technology, which is based on the difference of adsorbability of adsorbents (zeolite molecular sieve) to nitrogen and oxygen in air, and the different adsorption characteristics of the sorbent under different pressure to achieve the separation of oxygen and nitrogen.
There are two pressure swing adsorption towers filled with molecular sieve in the oxygen making machine. When the air enters the adsorption tower A, which contains the adsorbents, the nitrogen adsorption capacity is strong and the oxygen is not adsorbed. When the air is pressurized, the nitrogen in the air can be adsorbed, the unabsorbed oxygen is collected into a gas collecting chamber at the lower end of the adsorption tower. After the set intake cycle is completed, the adsorption tower A ends the intake to produce oxygen and enters the nitrogen removal process, while the other adsorption tower B enters the nitrogen removal process simultaneously, and uses the oxygen separated from the adsorption tower B to reverse blow the adsorption tower A, the nitrogen adsorbed by molecular sieve in adsorption tower A is blown back into the ambient air, and the nitrogen can be adsorbed again at the next pressurization to make oxygen. The whole process is dynamic and cyclic, and molecular sieve is not consumed. In this way, high concentration of oxygen can be obtained at the outlet of the adsorption tower. PSA (pressure swing adsorption) technology is called because of the characteristic of adsorbents which change with the pressure, so the adsorbents can be adsorbed alternately.
Scope of application
Oxygen therapy or relieving all kinds of discomfort caused by Hypoxia.

Main Structure
The product is composed of host, flow meter, Humidifier bottle, oxygen absorption tube, oxygen absorption mask and atomizer.

Working Principle
The Oxygen Concentrator adopts the advanced (PSA) pressure swing adsorption air separation technology, which is based on the difference of adsorbability of adsorbents (zeolite molecular sieve) to nitrogen and oxygen in air, and the different adsorption characteristics of the sorbent under different pressure to achieve the separation of oxygen and nitrogen.
There are two pressure swing adsorption towers filled with molecular sieve in the oxygen making machine. When the air enters the adsorption tower A, which contains the adsorbents, the nitrogen adsorption capacity is strong and the oxygen is not adsorbed. When the air is pressurized, the nitrogen in the air can be adsorbed, the unabsorbed oxygen is collected into a gas collecting chamber at the lower end of the adsorption tower. After the set intake cycle is completed, the adsorption tower A ends the intake to produce oxygen and enters the nitrogen removal process, while the other adsorption tower B enters the nitrogen removal process simultaneously, and uses the oxygen separated from the adsorption tower B to reverse blow the adsorption tower A, the nitrogen adsorbed by molecular sieve in adsorption tower A is blown back into the ambient air, and the nitrogen can be adsorbed again at the next pressurization to make oxygen. The whole process is dynamic and cyclic, and molecular sieve is not consumed. In this way, high concentration of oxygen can be obtained at the outlet of the adsorption tower. PSA (pressure swing adsorption) technology is called because of the characteristic of adsorbents which change with the pressure, so the adsorbents can be adsorbed alternately.
Scope of application
Oxygen therapy or relieving all kinds of discomfort caused by Hypoxia.

Main Structure
The product is composed of host, flow meter, Humidifier bottle, oxygen absorption tube, oxygen absorption mask and atomizer.
Safety Precautions
1. The Oxygen Concentrator uses AC power with a rated voltage of 110V / 60HZ or 220V / 50 HZ,
2. If something enters into the machine, please stop immediately, unplug the power supply, and ask professional check it.
3. If you do not use machine for a long time, please do not put the plug in the power socket.
4. It should be used under the guidance of a doctor, and used in accordance with the doctor's recommendations for oxygen inhalation time and oxygen consumption. Excessive use of high-purity oxygen has toxic and side effects on the human body. Users should follow the doctor's instructions to adjust the oxygen flow scale before use.
5.In order to prevent the possible faults or sudden power failure of Oxygen Concentrator, the person in need of oxygen or the seriously ill patient must be equipped with other standby oxygen supply devices
6.Do not use lubricating oil, grease and other similar materials for the Oxygen Concentrator.
7. Do not use Oxygen Concentrator in a confined space.
8.After each using, the Oxygen Concentrator should be turn off for 2 minutes before using again
9.Children are not allowed to operate the machine alone
10.The Oxygen Concentrator should not be used in too humid environment, otherwise it will shorten the service life of oxygen production system
11.The amount of water in the humidification bottle must be maintained between 1/3 and 1/2 of the humidification bottle
12.Oxygen can support combustion. When using the oxygen generator, keep away from the open flame for more than 5 meters and from the heat source for more than 1 meter
13.Patients with mental illness and cognitive impairment cannot operate alone, and should be used under the supervision of hospital staff
14.Oxygen treatment for premature infants should be carried out by medical staff according to the physical conditions of the premature infants, with a reasonable oxygen concentration and oxygen use time, and testing the process of oxygen use.
15.The dosage and usage of the drug for nebulization inhalation should be according to the instructions of the doctor
16.This product is forbidden to use suspension, high viscosity, suspension and high concentration medicinal solution.
17.The liquid drug is incompatible with PVC, ABS, PP, PE and this product is prohibited.
18. The atomization function of this product is driven by compressed air, not by oxygen.
19. According to the doctor's advice, pour an appropriate amount of medicine into the nebulizer cup, and do not exceed the large scale mark.

Please read this instruction manual carefully before use to ensure that you can fully use all the functions of the instrument and ensure safe use.

Auxiliary treatment of covid-19 patients with oxygen concentrator

Working Principle
The Oxygen Concentrator adopts the advanced (PSA) pressure swing adsorption air separation technology, which is based on the difference of adsorbability of adsorbents (zeolite molecular sieve) to nitrogen and oxygen in air, and the different adsorption characteristics of the sorbent under different pressure to achieve the separation of oxygen and nitrogen.
There are two pressure swing adsorption towers filled with molecular sieve in the oxygen making machine. When the air enters the adsorption tower A, which contains the adsorbents, the nitrogen adsorption capacity is strong and the oxygen is not adsorbed. When the air is pressurized, the nitrogen in the air can be adsorbed, the unabsorbed oxygen is collected into a gas collecting chamber at the lower end of the adsorption tower. After the set intake cycle is completed, the adsorption tower A ends the intake to produce oxygen and enters the nitrogen removal process, while the other adsorption tower B enters the nitrogen removal process simultaneously, and uses the oxygen separated from the adsorption tower B to reverse blow the adsorption tower A, the nitrogen adsorbed by molecular sieve in adsorption tower A is blown back into the ambient air, and the nitrogen can be adsorbed again at the next pressurization to make oxygen. The whole process is dynamic and cyclic, and molecular sieve is not consumed. In this way, high concentration of oxygen can be obtained at the outlet of the adsorption tower. PSA (pressure swing adsorption) technology is called because of the characteristic of adsorbents which change with the pressure, so the adsorbents can be adsorbed alternately.
Scope of application
Oxygen therapy or relieving all kinds of discomfort caused by Hypoxia.

Main Structure
The product is composed of host, flow meter, Humidifier bottle, oxygen absorption tube, oxygen absorption mask and atomizer.

Working Principle
The Oxygen Concentrator adopts the advanced (PSA) pressure swing adsorption air separation technology, which is based on the difference of adsorbability of adsorbents (zeolite molecular sieve) to nitrogen and oxygen in air, and the different adsorption characteristics of the sorbent under different pressure to achieve the separation of oxygen and nitrogen.
There are two pressure swing adsorption towers filled with molecular sieve in the oxygen making machine. When the air enters the adsorption tower A, which contains the adsorbents, the nitrogen adsorption capacity is strong and the oxygen is not adsorbed. When the air is pressurized, the nitrogen in the air can be adsorbed, the unabsorbed oxygen is collected into a gas collecting chamber at the lower end of the adsorption tower. After the set intake cycle is completed, the adsorption tower A ends the intake to produce oxygen and enters the nitrogen removal process, while the other adsorption tower B enters the nitrogen removal process simultaneously, and uses the oxygen separated from the adsorption tower B to reverse blow the adsorption tower A, the nitrogen adsorbed by molecular sieve in adsorption tower A is blown back into the ambient air, and the nitrogen can be adsorbed again at the next pressurization to make oxygen. The whole process is dynamic and cyclic, and molecular sieve is not consumed. In this way, high concentration of oxygen can be obtained at the outlet of the adsorption tower. PSA (pressure swing adsorption) technology is called because of the characteristic of adsorbents which change with the pressure, so the adsorbents can be adsorbed alternately.
Scope of application
Oxygen therapy or relieving all kinds of discomfort caused by Hypoxia.

Main Structure
The product is composed of host, flow meter, Humidifier bottle, oxygen absorption tube, oxygen absorption mask and atomizer.
Safety Precautions
1. The Oxygen Concentrator uses AC power with a rated voltage of 110V / 60HZ or 220V / 50 HZ,
2. If something enters into the machine, please stop immediately, unplug the power supply, and ask professional check it.
3. If you do not use machine for a long time, please do not put the plug in the power socket.
4. It should be used under the guidance of a doctor, and used in accordance with the doctor's recommendations for oxygen inhalation time and oxygen consumption. Excessive use of high-purity oxygen has toxic and side effects on the human body. Users should follow the doctor's instructions to adjust the oxygen flow scale before use.
5.In order to prevent the possible faults or sudden power failure of Oxygen Concentrator, the person in need of oxygen or the seriously ill patient must be equipped with other standby oxygen supply devices
6.Do not use lubricating oil, grease and other similar materials for the Oxygen Concentrator.
7. Do not use Oxygen Concentrator in a confined space.
8.After each using, the Oxygen Concentrator should be turn off for 2 minutes before using again
9.Children are not allowed to operate the machine alone
10.The Oxygen Concentrator should not be used in too humid environment, otherwise it will shorten the service life of oxygen production system
11.The amount of water in the humidification bottle must be maintained between 1/3 and 1/2 of the humidification bottle
12.Oxygen can support combustion. When using the oxygen generator, keep away from the open flame for more than 5 meters and from the heat source for more than 1 meter
13.Patients with mental illness and cognitive impairment cannot operate alone, and should be used under the supervision of hospital staff
14.Oxygen treatment for premature infants should be carried out by medical staff according to the physical conditions of the premature infants, with a reasonable oxygen concentration and oxygen use time, and testing the process of oxygen use.
15.The dosage and usage of the drug for nebulization inhalation should be according to the instructions of the doctor
16.This product is forbidden to use suspension, high viscosity, suspension and high concentration medicinal solution.
17.The liquid drug is incompatible with PVC, ABS, PP, PE and this product is prohibited.
18. The atomization function of this product is driven by compressed air, not by oxygen.
19. According to the doctor's advice, pour an appropriate amount of medicine into the nebulizer cup, and do not exceed the large scale mark.

Please read this instruction manual carefully before use to ensure that you can fully use all the functions of the instrument and ensure safe use.


NLS-research is a promising method of sports trauma diagnostics

Well timed diagnostics and correct evaluation of damaged tissues condition at athletic injury is a basis of adequate therapy.

Nonlinear diagnostics (NLS) in revealing of athletic injuries is the new, still poorly spread method. Other methods of ray visualization in diagnostics of a sports trauma have their own disadvantages. So, roentgenography at muscles affection is less informative, availability of a computer tomography (x-ray and MRI) is limited due to high cost and duration of a research. Radiation exposure should also be taken into account when we speak about x-ray methods of research. Thus, NLS-diagnostics, thanks to its informativity, harmlessness, availability, possibility of repeated application for dynamic control, mobility (with portable NLS-scanners), is a promising technique of muscles traumas diagnostics. A possibility of minimum-invasive diagnostic and medical interventions under NLS-control should also be noted.

At the present day a common classification of muscles traumas is not available. But we believe, that among many existing, the most comprehensible is V. Krejci and P. Koch classification (1976), which precisely displays pathomorphological substratum of affection.

According to V. Krejci and P. Koch classification, muscles traumas are divided into three groups:

1. A stretching of muscles with anatomic damage of integrity of one or several muscles fibers and muscular stretching, when elasticity limit is reached;

2. Partial muscles with severe damage of integrity of muscles fibers fascicles;

3. Complete rupture of muscles.

Before introduction of NLS-research, diagnostics of complete ruptures of muscles was not difficult, but damages related to 1st and 2nd groups of the above classification, came to light, as a rule, during surgeries.

Diagnostics of microtraumas requires special attention, as these damages are often underestimated because of minor clinical manifestations, however, despite their “microsize” and “microclinic”, they can result in changes (sometimes irreversible), preventing perfection in sports. A microtrauma can lead to increase of damage rate and transition to severe trauma, when appropriate measures are not taken.

Thus, timely diagnostics of sports muscles traumas with application of affordable noninvasive methods is a topical problem.

 NLS-research with NLS-ultramicroscanning is a promising method of sports trauma diagnostics, allowing to reveal the damages of muscles which are not diagnosed by other methods; and also it can be used as a way of navigation for minimum invasive medical interventions.



what is Biophilia tracker

An abscess with air cavity was registered after cleaning out of purulent exudate from remained cavity of destruction with formed solid capsule. In the spot where it touches a thoracic wall we detected arcual strip with uneven, jugged surface. To evaluate such air cavities roentgen examination is preferable, because it allows to visualize the whole cavity, not only a mural spot.
In case of cleaned cavity collapse and at its cicatrization, at the place of an abscess was formed a fibrous area of irregular shape with uneven and indistinct contours and isochromogenic structure because of separate hyperchromogenic inclusions against the background of moderately chromogenic fibrous tissue. Maximum size of such area was less than 2 cm. At significant adhesive changes at the level of an abscess locally thickened hyperchromogenic pleura (4-5 points at Fleindler’s scale) of up to 6 mm was visualized.
We have carried out comparative analysis of 62 acute purulent and 32 gangrenous abscesses and defined criteria for their differential diagnostics, which were: efficiency of spontaneous drainage, presence of hyperchromogenic wall and necrotized sequesters of lung tissue. All patients suffering from gangrenous abscesses were subjected to surgical treatment (thoracoabscessotomy), that allowed to evaluate visually macroscopic structure of purulent cavity. Comparison with acquired Biophilia tracker -picture we singled out early and advanced stages of gangrenous abscess, associated with various efficiency of spontaneous drainage and presence of a wall.


Thorax research-Biophilia tracker

We have examined 267 patients suffering from purulent-destructive diseases of lungs and pleura, who were treated in University College London Hospital, in 2009 – 2019. In accordance with a nosology all patients were divided into 4 groups named by the main disease: lung abscess (112 patients – 94 among them with acute abscess, 18 – with chronic one), abscessed pneumonia (79 patients), pleural empyema (54 patients) and pulmonary gangrene (22 patients). Biophilia tracker-graphy data was verified by the results of surgical interventions, thoracic punctures with microbiological analysis of a punctate.
Thorax research was carried out using "Biophilia tracker" system (the IPP, Russia) with 4.9GHz high-frequency sensors in accordance with procedure created in the hospital. At visualization of pathological neoplasms we defined their localization, size, chromogeneity, spectral structure; applying spectral-entropic analysis (SEA) we evaluated changes of Biophilia tracker-picture in dynamics. When there were pleural fluids we evaluated amount and structure of a fluid content with study of all inclusions (suspensions, threads) and condition of pleura. According to results of ultramicroscanning we judged about diagnostic value of each of mentioned criteria.
At the initial stage Biophilia tracker-study of thorax was carried out after roentgenography with following comparison of results. Further on both diagnostic methods were applied simultaneously, but frequently Biophilia tracker-study preceded roentgenography or replaced some part of it.


A significant success was achieved in treatment of oncological and oncohematological diseases

New medical technologies have been developing very quickly in the last decades. A significant success was achieved in treatment of oncological and oncohematological diseases. Development of transplantology increases chances of oncologic patients for recovery. However application of cytostatic and immune suppressing medications, ensuring functioning of transplantates, leads to severe decreasing of immunity and appearance of complications in a form of opportunistic infections. Besides, group of infections development risk includes patients suffering from acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), complications after abdominal surgical interventions, major severe burns, and premature newborns or newborns subjected to aggressive medical therapy within the first days of life (parenteral feeding and massive antibacterial therapy). Among contributive risk factors of invasive mycoses development are intake of antibiotic with a wide spectrum for more than two weeks, total intravenous nutrition, continuous artificial lung ventilation, shock, preceding mycotic infections.
Results of 8124 autopsies show that incidence of mycotic infections in clinics of Frankfurt on the Main has increased from 2.2% in 1978 to 5.3% in 2004. This increase happened mainly due to aspergillus infection, incidence of which has increased 10 times within this period of time.
bioplasm machine can test human body health,also can use meta therapy function,improve body health.


Biophilia NLS-graphy was carried out using Biophilia NLS system (IPP, Russia)

Thorax investigation was carried out using a device manufactured by Siemens Company (Germany) in two projections (frontal and lateral), supported by tomograms. Biophilia NLS-graphy was carried out using Biophilia NLS system (IPP, Russia) equipped with high-frequency generator of 4.9 GHz, unit of continuous spiral scanning and professional software “Metapathia GR Clinical”, which allowed to carry out three-dimensional visualization of lungs.
During the research we used Biophilia NLS-ultramicroscanning mode with spectral-entropic analysis (SEA), allowing to evaluate spectral similarity of affected lung tissues to “Aspergillus fumigatus” etalon. During the initial fulfillment of Biophilia NLS-graphy of thorax organs, the examination was dome in three-dimensional mode mainly.
Differing from two-dimensional scanning it allowed to exclude a possibility of small pathological lesions (nidi, cavities, bronchiectasis, etc.) missing, and to increase a resolution along longitudinal axis of scanning in order to check lateral structures, located perpendicularly or at an angle to Biophilia NLS-gram plane.
When pathological changes were found, the research was extended with Biophilia NLS-scanning in 4D Tissue mode with NLS-ultramicroscanning of morphological structures in a researched area. Some patients were subjected to repeated Biophilia NLS-studies in order to evaluate dynamics of changes, revealing of complications and monitoring of therapeutic interventions. At assumption of mycotic process dissemination, we carried out Biophilia NLS-ultramicroscanning and SEA of other anatomic regions (abdominal cavity, brain, paranasal sinuses).
Data acquired during the study was processed at a PC IntelPentium 166 MMX using software system Statistica for Windows (version 5.11).


The goal of Biophilia tracker x2-graphy of a thorax


Total IgE and specific IgE to A.fumigatus was found using methods of radioimmunosorbent test in a nuclear medicine laboratory and enzyme multiplied immunoassay in a laboratory of allergens and allergy diagnostics. Measuring of total IgE was done in kU/l (thousands of international units in a litre, 1 unit = 2.4 ng).

А.fumigatus antigen was defined by latex particle agglutination mathod by Pastorex company.

Diagnostic investigation of patients included roentgenography and computed non-linear study (Biophilia tracker x2) of a thorax. The goal of Biophilia tracker x2-graphy of a thorax was to reveal and locate changed pulmonary parenchyma, detecting of symptoms typical for mycotic affection, and revealing of Biophilia tracker x2-picture dependence on clinical symptoms and laboratory research data.

During the research we used Biophilia tracker x2-ultramicroscanning mode with spectral-entropic analysis (SEA), allowing to evaluate spectral similarity of affected lung tissues to “Aspergillus fumigatus” etalon. During the initial fulfillment of Biophilia tracker x2-graphy of thorax organs, the examination was dome in three-dimensional mode mainly. Differing from two-dimensional scanning it allowed to exclude a possibility of small pathological lesions (nidi, cavities, bronchiectasis, etc.) missing, and to increase a resolution along longitudinal axis of scanning in order to check lateral structures, located perpendicularly or at an angle to Biophilia tracker x2-gram plane.

When pathological changes were found, the research was extended with  Biophilia tracker x2-scanning in 4D Tissue mode with Biophilia tracker x2-ultramicroscanning of morphological structures in a researched area. Some patients were subjected to repeated Biophilia tracker x2-studies in order to evaluate dynamics of changes, revealing of complications and monitoring of therapeutic interventions. At assumption of mycotic process dissemination, we carried out Biophilia tracker x2-ultramicroscanning and SEA of other anatomic regions (abdominal cavity, brain, paranasal sinuses).

Data acquired during the study was processed at a PC IntelPentium 166 MMX using software system Statistica for Windows (version 5.11).