
Bioplasm machine-research of urinary bladder

Full-scale Bioplasm machine-research of 365 patients (aged 26 – 83) with malignant tumoral affection of urinary bladder was performed in the Institute named after Gertsen P.A. 317 patients (86.8%) suffered from bladder cancer, 4 patients (1.1%) had sarcoma, 6 patients (1.6%) suffered from tumor deposits of another primary site, 2 patients (0.5%) had malignant non-Hodgkins lymphoma with bladder affection, 36 patients (9.9%) had tumor ingrowths into bladder wall from the adjacent organs. Male patients consisted the majority – 273 patients (74.8%) and 92 female patients (25.2%).

All patients were examined using Bioplasm machine-research of urinary bladder. In all cases the microscanning of urinary bladder wall with spectral-entropy analysis of tissue structures was performed to provide differential diagnostics of various cancer types.

All patients were operated on not later than 2 weeks after performance of NLS-research, the data of morphological research were compared with the results of NLS-ultramicroscanning with spectral-entropy analysis.

We have carried out NLS-ultramicroscopic research of 28 patients with no urinary bladder pathologies to examine NLS-ultramicroscopic features of healthy urinary bladder wall.