Well timed diagnostics and correct evaluation of damaged tissues condition at athletic injury is a basis of adequate therapy.
Nonlinear diagnostics (NLS) in revealing of athletic injuries is the new, still poorly spread method. Other methods of ray visualization in diagnostics of a sports trauma have their own disadvantages. So, roentgenography at muscles affection is less informative, availability of a computer tomography (x-ray and MRI) is limited due to high cost and duration of a research. Radiation exposure should also be taken into account when we speak about x-ray methods of research. Thus, NLS-diagnostics, thanks to its informativity, harmlessness, availability, possibility of repeated application for dynamic control, mobility (with portable NLS-scanners), is a promising technique of muscles traumas diagnostics. A possibility of minimum-invasive diagnostic and medical interventions under NLS-control should also be noted.
At the present day a common classification of muscles traumas is not available. But we believe, that among many existing, the most comprehensible is V. Krejci and P. Koch classification (1976), which precisely displays pathomorphological substratum of affection.
According to V. Krejci and P. Koch classification, muscles traumas are divided into three groups:
1. A stretching of muscles with anatomic damage of integrity of one or several muscles fibers and muscular stretching, when elasticity limit is reached;
2. Partial muscles with severe damage of integrity of muscles fibers fascicles;
3. Complete rupture of muscles.
Before introduction of NLS-research, diagnostics of complete ruptures of muscles was not difficult, but damages related to 1st and 2nd groups of the above classification, came to light, as a rule, during surgeries.
Diagnostics of microtraumas requires special attention, as these damages are often underestimated because of minor clinical manifestations, however, despite their “microsize” and “microclinic”, they can result in changes (sometimes irreversible), preventing perfection in sports. A microtrauma can lead to increase of damage rate and transition to severe trauma, when appropriate measures are not taken.
Thus, timely diagnostics of sports muscles traumas with application of affordable noninvasive methods is a topical problem.
NLS-research with NLS-ultramicroscanning is a promising method of sports trauma diagnostics, allowing to reveal the damages of muscles which are not diagnosed by other methods; and also it can be used as a way of navigation for minimum invasive medical interventions.