Total IgE and specific IgE to A.fumigatus was found using methods of radioimmunosorbent test in a nuclear medicine laboratory and enzyme multiplied immunoassay in a laboratory of allergens and allergy diagnostics. Measuring of total IgE was done in kU/l (thousands of international units in a litre, 1 unit = 2.4 ng).
А.fumigatus antigen was defined by latex particle agglutination mathod by Pastorex company.
Diagnostic investigation of patients included roentgenography and computed non-linear study (Biophilia tracker x2) of a thorax. The goal of Biophilia tracker x2-graphy of a thorax was to reveal and locate changed pulmonary parenchyma, detecting of symptoms typical for mycotic affection, and revealing of Biophilia tracker x2-picture dependence on clinical symptoms and laboratory research data.
During the research we used Biophilia tracker x2-ultramicroscanning mode with spectral-entropic analysis (SEA), allowing to evaluate spectral similarity of affected lung tissues to “Aspergillus fumigatus” etalon. During the initial fulfillment of Biophilia tracker x2-graphy of thorax organs, the examination was dome in three-dimensional mode mainly. Differing from two-dimensional scanning it allowed to exclude a possibility of small pathological lesions (nidi, cavities, bronchiectasis, etc.) missing, and to increase a resolution along longitudinal axis of scanning in order to check lateral structures, located perpendicularly or at an angle to Biophilia tracker x2-gram plane.
When pathological changes were found, the research was extended with Biophilia tracker x2-scanning in 4D Tissue mode with Biophilia tracker x2-ultramicroscanning of morphological structures in a researched area. Some patients were subjected to repeated Biophilia tracker x2-studies in order to evaluate dynamics of changes, revealing of complications and monitoring of therapeutic interventions. At assumption of mycotic process dissemination, we carried out Biophilia tracker x2-ultramicroscanning and SEA of other anatomic regions (abdominal cavity, brain, paranasal sinuses).
Data acquired during the study was processed at a PC IntelPentium 166 MMX using software system Statistica for Windows (version 5.11).