
Metatron hunter-semiotics and classification of lungs abscesses

Traditional roentgenologic methods still remain the basic in diagnostics of pulmonary organs diseases, but non-linear diagnostic research (Metatron hunter) of thorax organs opens conceptually new prospects for evaluation of lungs and pleura changes. Information about a pathological process is presented in a form of three-dimensional image with strict differentiation of various in spectral properties biological structures, at the same time application of ultramicroscopic scanning makes possible to study researched object in every detail. The study is not related to radiation exposure, it does not require expenses for additional equipment if a standard set of Metatron hunter-diagnostic devices is available. That is why at the present moment it finds more extensive application in diagnostics of lungs and pleura diseases and with increasing frequency becomes a topic of scientific works.

Until today Metatron hunter-semiotics and classification of lungs abscesses have not been developed, there are no strict criteria of their differential diagnostics.

The objective of this study is research Metatron hunter-semiotics of purulent-destructive diseases of lungs and pleura.


Metatron hunter 4025 and MRI data

Appearance of infiltration areas of conical form, adjoining pleura with broad side, evidenced development of infarction-pneumonia, which was one of IPA manifestations as a result of vessel wall infiltration and its lumen obstruction with filaments. A sign of a negative prognosis was fine-focal hypechromogenic dissemination, which was detected in lungs of patients with aspergillosis generalization. In all three cases a brain was affected because of generalization; changes in a brain were confirmed by Metatron hunter 4025 and MRI data, succeeded by lethal outcome.

It should be noted that during examination of IPA patients Metatron hunter 4025-graphy was more informative in comparison with traditional radiographic examination (see Table 1).


metapathia hunter-study has revealed a pathological changes in both lungs

Pic.3. Patient F., 7 years old. AML. IPA.

Survey radiograph of a thorax. In both lungs we detected roundish thin-wall cavitary lesions with a solid content, adjoining lower walls of cavities and  forming a crescent symptom.

In 87 % of cases metapathia hunter   -study has revealed a pathological changes in both lungs.

First of all IPA was diagnosed in patients with significant decreasing of immunity (neutropaenia < 0.1 x 1 mld/l). In all these patients we detected high spectral similarity with “Aspergillus fumigatus” etalon (D= 0.108 ± 0.035), revealed by spectral-entropic analysis.

Complaints of IPA patients were nonspecific and included a fever resistant to antibacterial therapy.

The main antibody-mediated method of IPA diagnostics was detection of Aspergillus mycete. Also we used data of mycological examination of a phlegm and bronchoalveolar lavage.

Speaking of hardware investigations, metapathia hunter 
-graphy turned out to be more informative in comparison with traditional roentgenography; metapathia hunter 
 helped to reveal pathological changes in a pulmonary tissue more frequently (p < 0.05). Cases with ambilateral lung affection prevailed.


Metapathia hunter 4025-graphy is more informative method in diagnostics

1. Metapathia hunter 4025-graphy is more informative method in diagnostics of invasive pulmonary mycoses in comparison with roentgenography. Its sensitivity is 86%, specificity – 75% and diagnostic accuracy – 80% (67.2-90.3) (p < 0.05).
2. X-ray pattern depends on duration of the process at IPA. In the beginning of the process (1st – 3rd day) the most frequently revealed sign is nidal and interstitial changes of lungs (75%). 4th – 7th days are characterized by prevalence of roundish induration of pulmonary tissue (75%), halo symptom is revealed (40%). After 8th day nidal and interstitial changes are revealed less frequently, air crescent symptom may be registered (9%).


55 patients suffering from IPA

Altogether 55 patients suffering from IPA were investigated. In 54 patients IPA was developing against the background of significantly decreased immunity (neutropaenia < 0.1 x 1 mld/l).

The main category of patients with IPA consisted of patients from oncohematology department (52 patients). Another 2 patients suffered from multiple bronchiectasis and AIDS and were continuously taking glucocorticoid preparations.

In one patient IPA developed when he was completely healthy. However it was known that this patients worked at hay storage, where risk of Aspergillus infestation is increased. Age of all studied patients varied from 7 to 63 (on the average 31.9 ± 2.21 years old). Men prevailed in this group of investigated patients – 34 (61.8%).

Hunter 4025 nls can test human body health,and improve human body health.


Three-dimensional visualization of lungs

Thorax investigation was carried out using a device manufactured by Siemens Company (Germany) in two projections (frontal and lateral), supported by tomograms. Hunter 4025-graphy was carried out using “Metatron”-4025 system (IPP, Russia) equipped with high-frequency generator of 4.9 GHz, unit of continuous spiral scanning and professional software “Metapathia GR Clinical”, which allowed to carry out three-dimensional visualization of lungs.

Hunter 4025 can test human body health and improve human body health.


Precipitating antibodies to Aspergillus spp

Precipitating antibodies to Aspergillus spp. antigens were defined applying enzyme multiplied immunoassay (EMI). A part of patients was subjected to precipitation reaction.
Total IgE and specific IgE to A.fumigatus was found using methods of radioimmunosorbent test in a nuclear medicine laboratory and enzyme multiplied immunoassay in a laboratory of allergens and allergy diagnostics. Measuring of total IgE was done in kU/l (thousands of international units in a litre, 1 unit = 2.4 ng)fumigatus antigen was defined by latex particle agglutination mathod by Pastorex company.

If you want to know more about Metatron hunter,please contact me and i will send you data.it can help you know better.Thanks


Allergy and Infectious Diseases of USA


Altogether 55 patients suffering from IPA were investigated. The diagnosis was made on the basis of combined clinical, immunological, histological, mycological studies of patients subjected to a hospital treatment in mycology department of Betanien clinic and outpatiently.

Diagnoses were made using criteria of invasive mycoses diagnosing, developed by the European institution of cancer study and treatment and Mycology research group of the Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases of USA.


Treatment of oncological and oncohematological diseases


New medical technologies have been developing very quickly in the last decades. A significant success was achieved in treatment of oncological and oncohematological diseases. Development of transplantology increases chances of oncologic patients for recovery. However application of cytostatic and immune suppressing medications, ensuring functioning of transplantates, leads to severe decreasing of immunity and appearance of complications in a form of opportunistic infections. Besides, group of infections development risk includes patients suffering from acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), complications after abdominal surgical interventions, major severe burns, and premature newborns or newborns subjected to aggressive medical therapy within the first days of life (parenteral feeding and massive antibacterial therapy). Among contributive risk factors of invasive mycoses development are intake of antibiotic with a wide spectrum for more than two weeks, total intravenous nutrition, continuous artificial lung ventilation, shock, preceding mycotic infections.


Metapathia hunter 4025-study has become quite spread in rheumatologic practice


Owing to introduction of new methods of RA treatment and a need in an early diagnostics of the disease, Metapathia hunter 4025-study has become quite spread in rheumatologic practice. At the same time traditional method of radiology – standard roentgenography of joints still remain important.

Thanks to changing of treatment standards, at the present time in many medical centers around the world studies of applicability and efficiency of new diagnostic methods are being done.


A peculiarity of hands and feet anatomical structure


A peculiarity of hands and feet anatomical structure is a presence of multiple different structures closely interconnected with each other and having different functions. Surrounded by fascial compartment tendons are holding a certain place among them, but from the point of view of RA diagnostics their affection per se is not significant and it is not included into diagnostic criteria. However considering that the changes in muscles tendons may be important for differential diagnostics of RA, and also that they contribute to development of joint stiffness and frequently accompany described earlier synovitis, we believe that it is necessary to mention this diagnostic possibility of Biophilia tracker-visualization of tendons affection.