
Three-dimensional virtual Hunter 4025-imaging method in revealing of distal bile-excreting ducts

Technological innovations of the recent years in equipment for non-linear diagnostics and software resulted in cardinal extension of Bioplasm nls-research application area and improvement of images quality. One of the promising directions for the development of Bioplasm nls-diagnostics is a mode of multidimensional virtual reconstruction of an Bioplasm nls-image, allowing to visualize crosscuts and anatomical reconstruction of a researched area, which remain invisible during application of two-dimensional scanning only. This method offers the possibility of data manipulating, using rotation and zooming, rendering true anatomy of organs in a direct projection. Three-dimensional Bioplasm nls-scanning has a certain technical and practical advantages in visualization of anatomical and pathological structures in comparison with two-dimensional visualization. The method allows to make a crosscuts of acquired image, for example frontal ones, or to isolate separate areas in Fast Vision mode. It makes possible to see an internal structure of a parenchymatous organ, and if there are areas of affection inside the investigated region, an operator can isolate and zoom in areas of a parenchyma and thus see intratissual growths – in Bioplasm nls-ultramicroscanning mode. Spectral-entropic analysis (SEA) mode allows to define morphological character of a researched area by comparison of spectral similarity with etalon processes.


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1st type (31.3% of cases) was characterized by non-uniform strengthening of intraendometrial blood flow due to local increasing of fixed points number. At the same time we did not register increasing of hyperchromatic fixed points in subendothelial area.
2nd type (32.8% of cases) was characterized by total strengthening of intraendometrial blood flow due to large amount of randomly placed isochromogenic fixed points with simultaneous local (57.2%) or total (42.8%) increasing of hyperchromogenic points number in subendothelial area.
3rd type (15.6% of cases) was characterized by significant increasing of moderately chromogenic points number in in subendothelial area against the background of minor strengthening of intraendometrial blood flow.

4th type (20.3% of cases) differed from the three first types by presence of large amount of randomly placed isochromogenic fixed point in a projection of midline structures of uterine cervix.


Metatron hunter 4025-research to study morphological peculiarities of tumorous lesion

In our Metatron hunter 4025-research to study morphological peculiarities of tumorous lesion at EC we used method of three-dimensional Metatron hunter 4025-graphy with spectral-entropic analysis (SEA). At the same time, in image superficial reconstruction mode, rendering of uterus frontal crosscuts was fulfilled, which was impossible when traditional two-dimensional NLS-graphy was applied.
At T1a stage in 100% of cases uterine cavity was visualized with distinct and smooth contours. In 58.8% of cases a content of uterine cavity had homogeneous moderately chromogenic structure, in a projection of one of uterine angles we detected a tumorous lesion in a form of roundish inclusion with sufficiently distinct and smooth contours, of increased chromogeneity (5-6 points at Fleindler’s scale).

Metapathia hunter 4025-study of patients suffering from orbital cellulitis

As shown result prove, combined Metapathia hunter 4025-study of patients suffering from orbital cellulitis allow to set a diagnosis; define rate of orbit’s circulatory dynamics violation and involvement of eyeball, orbit muscles and optic into inflammatory process; specify a localization of pathological process in an orbit and choose the proper treatment tactics. Using of combined Metapathia hunter 4025-graphy also allows to evaluate efficiency of chosen treatment of patients with orbital cellulitis.


Using Metapathia hunter-graphy for evaluation of uterine cavity condition and for study of pathological processes in endometrium

Rampant development of computer technologies of recent years and their active introduction into methods of medical visualization resulted in appearance of new methods, offering a possibility to acquire three-dimensional image of a researched object. The mentioned trend, first of all, applies to non-linear (Metapathia hunter) computed diagnostics. Application of modern three-dimensional modes in Metapathia hunter-graphy, such as multiplanar reconstruction, detailed reconstruction of an object (Fast Vision), transparency control (Deep Vision), pseudo-roentgen mode and using of special programs for automatic reconstruction of variously shaped objects (4D Tissue) provided a possibility to create highly informative virtual multidimensional images of various organs. Using of three-dimensional Metapathia hunter-graphy for evaluation of uterine cavity condition and for study of pathological processes in endometrium, according to a number of authors, is more informative than ultrasound research and CT.


Three-dimensional Hunter 4025 nls-graphy of inflammation area


We detected increasing of an orbit’s tissues chromogeneity of various extent, which reflected intensity of inflammatory changes. Informativity of this symptom increased when we carried out three-dimensional Hunter 4025 nls-graphy of inflammation area; it allowed to specify the localization of orbital cellulitis. It was important for detecting of a reason that caused orbital cellulitis and thus for choosing of the proper treatment. But in case of severe orbital cellulitis we detected diffuse increasing of retrobulbar space tissues chromogeneity, which prevented us from defining a quadrant of an orbit with the most severe pathological changes.


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The reason of orbital cellulitis development in 5 patients was a trauma, 2 of them – with penetration of a foreign body to an orbit, another 2 patients – combined with craniocerebral injury and in one case – with eye damage. In 26 patients orbital cellulitis has developed as rhinosinusogenic complication against the background of acute polysinusitis or aggravation of chronic polysinusitis. In 2 patients orbital cellulitis was a result of chronic periodontitis. In one patient we registered a complication after dacryocystorhinostomy administered due to chronic purulent dacryocystitis. Hematogenic introduction of infection into an orbit was registered in one patient suffering from acute bronchopneumonia.
Hunter 4025 can  improve human body health.


All patients were subjected to a standard ophthalmologic inspection

We examined 60 people (37 men and 23 women) aged from 17 to 72. 25 of them were healthy (50 orbits) and 35 suffered from orbital cellulitis (70 orbits).
All patients were subjected to a standard ophthalmologic inspection, which included external examination, analysis of an eye position in an orbit, condition of eyelids, conjunctiva, ocular motility, eyelids closing, eyeball reposition, detection of diplopy presence, visiometry, perimetry, biomicroscopy, ophthalmoscopy, exophthalmometry according to Hertel.

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The orbital cellulitis Metatron hunter 4025-graphic signs

In order to study possibilities of combined Metatron hunter 4025-study in diagnostics of the orbital cellulitis we analyzed results of examination of 60 people (120 orbits): 25 healthy people and 35 patients suffering from the orbital cellulitis. All patients were subjected to a standard ophthalmologic examination and combined Metatron hunter 4025-study of an orbit and an eye, including three-dimensional ultramicroscanning and spectral-entropic analysis of tissues structure. Combined Metatron hunter 4025-study allowed to reveal typical for the orbital cellulitis Metatron hunter 4025-graphic signs, such as dilation of retrobulbar space and increasing of its chromogeneity. Using combined Metatron hunter 4025-study we specified localization of a pathological process in an orbit, evaluated involvement of eyeball, orbit muscles and optic nerve into inflammatory process, which ensured choosing of proper treatment tactics. Repeated Metatron hunter 4025-graphic studies allowed to evaluate efficiency of treatment.


Metapathia hunter-ultramicroscanning with SEA of these nosologies

Acquired results show that both chondrosarcoma and bone metastasis have similar characteristics at Metapathia hunter. In particular, in all observations – at chondrosarcoma and bone metastasis – we detected tumorous nodes, which could be analyzed by size, shape and structure. In a half of Metapathia hunter-studies, chondrosarcoma and bone metastasis had the same chromogeneity without zooming. Both at chondrosarcoma and bone metastasis we registered moderately chromogenic areas of perifocal edema and involvement of neurovascular plexus into the process. However by refining and comparing data of Metapathia hunter-ultramicroscanning with SEA of these nosologies we also revealed significant differences between them.


Metapathia hunter 4025-ultramicroscanning with SEA

In 2 (25%) patients we registered a perifocal edema, which was shown as a moderately chromogenic structure (3-4 points), in 3 (37.5%) patients – neurovascular plexus was involved into the process.
In the group of patients with chondrosarcoma metapathia hunter 4025-ultramicroscanning with SEA was administered to 6 patients. In this group we diagnosed typical septal and lobular signs in researched patients.

In the group of patients with chondrosarcoma maximum size of revealed meoplasms

In the group of patients with chondrosarcoma maximum size of revealed meoplasms ranged from 4 to 15 cm (11.4 cm on the average).
In three (37.5%) studied patients a node was two-component, hypechromogenic (6 points at the Fleindler’s scale), it consisted of intraosseous and ectostcal parts, was of sand-glass shape. In another three (37.5%) patients with chondrosarcoma located in pelvic bones, tumors were of multinodular form. In 2 (25%) patients shape of a tumor was roundish. Contours of neoplasms were uneven in 5 (62.5%) patients, even – in 3 (37.5%) patients. In all cases hyperchromogenic neoplasms had distinct contours.


Technical parameters of Hunter 4025 nls


To achieve our goal we studied Hunter 4025 nls  data of 8 patients with chondrosarcoma and 5 patients with metastases. Patients were of almost the same age and had similar localization of a pathological process. Technical parameters of Hunter 4025 nls-researches were also identical.


Hunter 4025 with 3D spiral scanning

In this case only several primary tumors, such as osteogenic sarcoma (35%), chondrosarcoma (30%) and Ewing’s sarcoma (16%) are the most frequent and determine appearance of clinical symptomatology. At the same time it is well known that osteogenic sarcoma and Ewing’s sarcoma develop mainly in children and young people, but chondrosarcoma is diagnosed in adult and elder patients. Senior age groups are also characterized by metastatic lesions of bones.
Hunter 4025 can test human body health.


Metatron hunter 4025-graphy allowed to reveal affection of urethra

In those cases when benign hyperplasia of prostate gland was the reason of infravesical obstruction, Metatron hunter 4025-graphy allowed to reveal affection of urethra in its post prostatic region and identify the reason of urination disorder. In a patient with urethral stricture, which developed in 10 years after transvesical adenomectomy, Metatron hunter 4025-graphy revealed, besides stenosis of urethra, a hyperchromogenic node of prostate hyperplasia (6 points at Fleindler’s scale). SEA gas shown high spectral similarity to “benign prostatic hyperplasia” etalon process (D=0,127).

Biophilia tracker-study was administered to18 patients


Biophilia tracker-study was administered to18 patients. All studies was completed with 3D-reconstruction of an image, in 14 cases Biophilia tracker-ultramicroscanning with spectral-entropic analysis was applied. Analysis of acquired results (step-by-step crosscuts, three-dimensional images and ultramicroscanning with spectral-entropic analysis) allowed to ascertain a diagnosis, localize a pathological process, evaluate size of pathological nidus and urethra affection character and check condition of surrounding tissues in all patients.


Study urethra – ultrasound cystourethroscopy


Over the last years the following methods are used to study urethra – ultrasound cystourethroscopy, echourodynamic examination, Doppler sonography and three-dimensional ultrasound visualization of urethra. However zonal limitations of acquired information (prostatic and membranous regions of urethra), one-dimensionality of one methods and insufficient resolution of another methods restrain their wide application.
If you need more details of metapathia Metatron 4025 hunter,please contact me.Thank you very much.


Visualization of urethra

Visualization of urethra was carried out mainly by means of endoscopic and roentgenologic methods of study for many decades. However all of them are more or less invasive and not always allow to get information about condition of tissues surrounding urethra. Besides, these studies are different in required time and in applied procedure, which creates certain difficulties for comparison of acquired results.
If you need more detail about our Metatron 4025 hunter,please contact me.Thank you very much.


Biophilia nls-graphy in revealing of various colonic pathologies


The study has shown high rate of sensitivity of Biophilia nls-graphy in revealing of various colonic pathologies, in particular in revealing of space-occupying masses – 98%. Biophilia nls-graphy is much more comfortable for a patient than endoscopic colonoscopy and irrigoscopy. Biophilia nls also has a high-throughput and has no radiation exposure, in comparison to irrigoscopy. A distinctive feature of Biophilia nls-graphy is a possibility to study a condition of colonic wall and length of its affection, evaluate of paraintestinal changes, condition of lymph apparatus, mesenterium and parallel parenchymatous organ of abdomen. This method is recommended at incomplete or contraindicated colonoscopy or study of prestenotic parts of intestine. In modern oncology, an issue of revealing and treatment of benign pre-cancer neoplasms, which can have no symptoms for years and quite widely spread, comes to the fore. This issue can be solved successfully by Biophilia nls screening.


Biophilia nls better than endoscopic colonoscopy

Biophilia nls-graphy has revealed 89 (11.3%) of 788 neoplasms in areas of a colon, which were inaccessible for endoscopic colonoscopy (dolichosigmoid, dolichocolon, evident spasm, postsurgical stenosis, etc.).

In 2 (0.3%) of these patients spectral-entropic analysis and following histological study have revealed colon cancer.


The latest Biophilia nls

Colorectal cancer detected in 21 (3.8%) of 548 examined patients had various character of growing and localization. Exophytic growth of a tumor was detected by spectral-entropic analysis in 6 (29%) of 21 patients. Cancerous growth of lesser size (18 mm in diameter) in one patient looked exactly the same as flat polyp and was verified by application of spectral-entropic analysis. We managed to identify its morphological character after histological research only. Larger tumors, sized from 20 to 50 mm (in 5 patients) looked like asymmetrical focal growths with hyperchromogenic wall (6 points at Fleindler’s scale) and achromogenic center (1 point at Fleindler’s scale). In 15 (71%) of 21 patients carcinoma had circular type of growth. At such type of growth we detected thickening of a wall in an area of a tumor, its rigidity (rigidity was identified as a flattening of a wall and absence of haustration in this area), application of spectral-entropic analysis allowed to make more reliable judgment about carcinoma. Spectral-entropic analysis of a colonic wall, confirmed by histological study of cancerous growths, revealed adenocarcinoma in 20 cases and tubular cell carcinoma in one case.
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Dimensional intracavitary reconstruction-Biophilia machine

Interpretation of acquired axial crosscuts after all examinations was accompanied by application of the following programs: two-dimensional NLS, three-dimensional intracavitary reconstruction (virtual dissection) and DeepVision (allows to visualize internal and deep structures of a body, normally hidden by other anatomical structures) and FastVision (allows to zoom in and study separate anatomical structures in every detail) modes. A part of the study was carried out using program of continuous spiral scanning and automatic search of an area with a suspicion of a tumor presence. Analysis of acquired images, their interpretation with use of above mentioned computer programs were carried out by one therapist.
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The objective of the present study is to evaluate possibilities of virtual Biophilia nls

Development of colorectal cancer may be prevented by well-timed detection and elimination of polyps.
Choosing of examination methods for colorectal cancer screening depends not only on reliability and accuracy of results, but patient’s trust to selected method, their inclination to undergo the examination also.

The objective of the present study is to evaluate possibilities of virtual Biophilia nls-graphy in revealing of neoplasms in colon and introduction of this method as a possibility for colorectal cancer screening.