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Altogether 548 patients aged from 32 to 78 were examined. Among them: 295 (53.8%) men and 253 (46.2%) women. After fulfillment of metatron hunter 4025
, 488 (89%) patients (in accordance with indications and their will) were administered to endoscopic colonoscopy. After examination, colonic surgical intervention was carried out in 28 patients. All ethics aspects were observed.
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COPD is related to widespread diseases of a human. In the USA the tendency to increased incidence of COPD is marked: only for last period this indicator has increased by 25% in men and by 69% in women. The next years the further growth of disease is predicted. Epidemiological data related to disease incidence and death rate often underestimates importance and prevalence of COPD, as usually it is not diagnosed before clinically manifested and relatively severe stages of the disease develop. According to the American respiratory society, only 25% of disease cases are diagnosed in due time. In the USA COPD incidence grow near 15 million persons.
Metapathia hunter 4025 software  is a good software,it can test human body health.


Biophilia tracker can test human body health


According to American Thoracic Society the pulmonary emphysema (PE) is the anatomic alteration of lungs, characterized by pathological expansion of air spaces, located distal to terminal bronchiole and accompanied by destructive changes of alveolar walls. According to this definition, the obligatory symptom of PE is not only expansion, but also destruction of respiratory parts of lungs in the absence of the manifested signs of a pneumosclerosis. The emphysema is usually classified on the basis of changes in acinus and a secondary pulmonary segment.

Biophilia tracker can test human body health,it is very useful.


Biophilia NLS-guidance of puncture biopsy


In the end we want to note that if biophilia NLS  reveals lesser renal tumor it is recommended to apply biophilia NLS-ultramicroscanning with tree-dimensional reconstruction of bloodstream and pelvicalyceal system. In case of severe intercurrent background in a patient with lesser renal tumor it is recommended to carry out spectral-entropic analysis with biophilia NLS-guidance of puncture biopsy.


Four-dimensional biophilia tracker-study data

The following aspects must be emphasized when tumor staging is carried out.
Prior to surgical intervention the majority of patients with lesser tumor (89.3%) was considered to belong to T3a stage of cancer. This stage was set in accordance with results of pre-operative study. Local spreading of a tumor was evaluated on the basis of four-dimensional biophilia tracker-study data mainly – is a neoplasm comes out of a kidney’s contour, this stage was considered as T3a. However following study of a preparation by morphologists, that was acquired during organ-preserving or organ-removing operation has proven that in majority of patients was not growing of a tumor into paranephric fat, but squeezing of fibrous capsule of a kidney, not affected by a neoplasm. T3a stage of cancer was confirmed in 13.1% of patients corrected.


Computed biophilia nls-graphy

Computed biophilia nls-graphy was applied in accordance with standard practice. During interpretation of bioplasm nls-gramms it was possible to evaluate location and size of a neoplasm, its structure and interrelation with other organs and tissues, condition of regional lymph nodes, invasion of a tumor into renal vein and inferior vena cava. Additionally we carried out computed biophilia nls-graphy of abdominal cavity and retroperitoneum organs.


Introduction of Biophilia tracker-scanning into medical practice

For the last few years significant changes in diagnostics of renal tumors have taken place.
Introduction of Biophilia tracker-scanning into medical practice as a screening-method of renal neoplasms detection has led to increasing of revealed “symptomless” patients, for whom diagnosing of renal tumor was completely unexpected. Epidemiology of renal tumor at the present moment is characterized by increasing of disease incidence, which is mainly related with improving of diagnostics. At the same time a number of patients with remote metastases of renal cancer has decreased from 25% to 5%. Number of patients examined due to manifestations of renal neoplasm (haematuria, pain in lumbar region, palpable mass in hypochondrium) has been constantly decreasing. Pathomorphism of a disease has happened – extrarenal symptoms are its typical signs, but above mentioned standard triple does not allow to set a diagnosis in proper time and is typical for late stage of blastomatous process.


USe Biophilia tracker methods at research of the whole body

However used Biophilia tracker methods at research of the whole body allowed revealing some features which must be considered for an adequate assessment of changes. In such a manner false-positive results were marked in 2 patients at Biophilia tracker-images. Concentration of liquids in pleural cavity, and also ovarian cysts were wrongly interpreted.

Biophilia tracker allows visualization of tissues with the initial, pre-nosological changes of tissue functioning. This fact exactly is the big advantage of this method, as well as during NLS: anatomic changes are not estimated but functional changes in tissues are analyzed.


Detection accuracy of pathological foci at Bioplasm machine research

In 3 central lung cancer patients the received data of Biophilia tracker with spectral-entropic analysis provided precise detection of space-occupying lesion. The following factor drew attention: detection accuracy of pathological foci at Biophilia tracker research, as a rule, exceeded the values received at PET procedure. Important advantage of Biophilia tracker method is the absence of a signal from heart which may “conceal” tumoral formations at PET.


Received axial Biophilia nls-images of body

Received axial Biophilia nls-images of body were processed on workstation with the use of multiplanar reconstruction algorithm, notably that color linear 6-point Fleindler’s scale was used for assessment of structures chromogeneity. 3D-model visually similar with received model at three-dimensional CT-research was rendered as a result. The assessment of received Biophilia nls was based on the analysis of localization and quantity of chromogeneity sites with high values which corresponded to the greatest tissue damage values. Biophilia nls-ultramicroscanning with spectral-entropic analysis was performed in all patients. Materials for carrying out of spectral-entropic analysis allowed assessment of specific expansive process according to the value of spectral similarity to pathologically altered tissues. In majority of patients the results of spectral-entropic analysis were histologically confirmed. In 90.3 % of cases the full confirmation of spectral-entropic analysis results by the data of histopathological examination was registered.


The latest Biophilia nls software

Positron emission tomography (PET) with the use of radiopharmaceutical 18-Fluorodeoxyglucose has high specificity and sensitivity, which means this method is the main method in assessment of disease spreading in oncological patients at the moment. In case of suspicion for brain metastatic affection, positron tomography of the whole body allows to reveal the primary nidus and to estimate disease spreading in organism in general. But, despite its advantages, this method has some essential restrictions that do not allow its using as a screening research. First of all, this is highly technical character of the method, production of radiopharmaceutical, its transportation and utilization demand additional staff except for medical personnel, another important aspect is relatively high cost of research. Long time of scanning, restrictions related with accompanying diseases (diabetes) also narrow down potentialities of this method.
If you need Biophilia nls software,please feel free contact me and i am happy to help you.


Biophilia tracker has allowed to acquire additional information in comparison with RМ

In 9 patients we detected affection of pulmonary tissue due to invasion of lymph tissues from adjacent lymph nodes on contact. Fine-focal dissemination is diagnosed in 27.7% of cases. In 4 patients Biophilia tracker detected affection of thymus, not detected by RМ, in 1 patient – a tumoral thrombosis of superior vena cava.
In 36 patients Biophilia tracker revealed mediastinal lymphadenopathy which was not detected by x-ray and CТ.

In 43.7% of cases Biophilia tracker  has allowed to acquire additional information in comparison with RМ, in 25% of cases we revealed more nodes in a pulmonary tissue, in 15.8% nodes which were diagnosed by RM as unilateral, were identified a bilateral by Biophilia tracker.


Biophilia tracker detected infiltration of pulmonary tissue in 40% of cases


Cavitary lesion were revealed in 4 cases, a symptom of air bronchography – in 8 cases.
In the majority of patients of lungs affections were combined with intrathoracic lymphadenopathy.
Biophilia tracker detected infiltration of pulmonary tissue in 40% of cases, in 24% – in a combination with nodular lesions. Biophilia tracker detected diffuse infiltration into pulmonary tissue in 61.1% of cases, in 27.7 % – in a combination with nodular lesions. Peribronchiovascular infiltration was detected in 31.9% and alveolar infiltration – in 12.5% of cases, at that infiltration of intralobular and interlobular interstitial tissue was revealed in patients with non-Hodgkin lymphomas (83.9%) more often, than at Hodgkin disease (43.9%).

Affection of pulmonary tissue without accompanying lymphadenopathy was observed in 14 patients.

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NLS was carried out wirh device metatron hunter of IV generation, made by Institute of Practical psychophysics (Russia) with professional software “Metapathia GR Clinical”, allowing to receive three-dimensional image of lungs and section in any plane with all layers of thorax, vessels and lymph nodes.


We are Biophilia nls manufacturer

Classification of Hodgkin lymphomas by Ann Arbor:
Stage I – affection of one group of lymph nodes.
Stage IE – affection of one extralymphatic organ or location.
Stage II – involving of two or more groups of lymph nodes at one side of a diaphragm.
Stage IIE – II + localized affection of extralymphatic organ or location at one side of a diaphragm.
Stage III – affection of several groups of lymph nodes on either side of a diaphragm.
Stage IIIS – III + spleen affection.
Stage III–III + localized affection of extralymphatic organ or location.
Stage IV – diffuse or disseminated affection of one or more extralymphatic organs ± affection of lymph nodes.

If you are interested in Biophilia nls,feel free contact me and i am happ to help you.


Biophilia tracker is useful for MALT-lymphomas weaken


Lungs affections at Hodgkin disease are often accompanied by intrathoracic lymphadenopathy and are of secondary character. The isolated affection of a pulmonary tissue without intrathoracic lymphadenopathy, as a rule, is detected at non-Hodgkin lymphomas.
Primary lymphomas of lungs are registered rarely. The majority of similar tumors now are related to B-cellular non-Hodgkin lymphomas. They are primary extranodal lymphomas of low malignancy and are called MALT-lymphomas. MALT-lymphomas are up to 70 % of all primary lymphomas of lungs.

Biophilia tracker is useful for MALT-lymphomas weaken.If you need more details about Biophilia tracker,please contact me and i am happy to help you.


Biophilia NLS plays a big role

Lymphomas are primary tumors of lymphatic system which are divided into two basic groups: Hodgkin disease and non-Hodgkin malignant lymphomas. Lymphomas are related to tumors of immune system and grow, as a rule, from a tissue of lymph nodes.
Lymphomas comprise 1% to 4% among all revealed for the first time malignant tumors. Hodgkin disease is diagnosed in 25%–40% of cases of all malignant lymphomas.
Biophilia NLS  plays a big role,if you need more detail about this devices,feel free contact me.Thank you very much.


Biophilia nls system has registered different degree of abnormalities of muscles functional condition severity


We followed the algorithm of kinesiologic diagnostics and revealed the following in these sportsmen: pachymeninx torsion signs, a spasm of phrenic diaphragm, cranial abnormalities, dysfunctions of temporomandibular joint and lower ribs, signs of nervus vagus and accessory nerve in jugular aperture compression, dysfunction of internal organs, dysfunction of proximal syndesmosis of shin and fibular bone heads, displacement of ankle bone and others.
At a following stage we searched the main reasons of the revealed muscular disbalance. In 75 % of sportsmen the main reason of associated muscles weakness were biochemical abnormalities, developing from affected organs. Along with kinesiologic diagnostics we applied method of nonlinear diagnostics in order to identify further search of limiting biochemical factors.

In all studied patients “Biophilia nls” system has registered different degree of abnormalities of muscles functional condition severity. In most cases stress of regulatory mechanisms was revealed in those muscles which kinesiologically were evaluated as weak.

The role of Biophilia tracker

The basic biochemical reasons of muscles tone asymmetry have been related to revealed initial manifestations: intestine dysbacteriosis (coliform bacterium, helminthoses), catarrhal gastritis, duodenitis (Helicobacter pylori, Lamblia), gall bladder dyskinesia, chronic tonsillitis, vasculomotor rhinitis, allergic bronchitis, radiculopathy, chronic prostatitis, urethritis. The greatest problem for bicyclists was helminthoses, revealed by a NLS-method in 32% of sportsmen. Fatigue of quadriceps muscle of thigh and lumbar quadrate muscle related to intestines inadequate to physical activities was an early symptom. We used NLS-method to identify food and household allergens. Restoring effect of individually recommended by “Biophilia tracker” system allopathic, phytotherapeutic and homoeopathic remedies, nutriceuticals and food products to a tone of associated muscles was confirmed by kinesiologic tests.


Daily Biophilia NLS-monitoring was performed

One of the important components of acute pancreatitis severity estimation level for definition of treatment methods is the estimation of pathological process spread. In accordance with Savelieva V.S. spread classification (1989) the destructive pancreatitis is divided into limited and widespread.
As can be seen from the above, limited acute pancreatitis demands conservative and/or puncture-drainage treatment under the control of visualizing research methods; draining, and in some cases also suction operative interventions are necessary in case of extended pancreatitis. Within the limits of performed research the limited destructive pancreatitis (haemorrhagic, fatty and purulo-necrotic) was diagnosed in 31 (32,3 %) of cases, spread pancreatitis was diagnosed in 65 (67,7 %) of cases. In case of limited destructive pancreatitis the waiting surgical approach under daily Biophilia NLS-monitoring was performed, at progressing of destructive process (quantity and expansion increase of necrosis zones, presence of suppurative complication) 11 (35,5 %) patients were draining operated. In case of extended pancreatitis regular Biophilia NLS-monitoring of patients in 53 (81,5 %) of cases has shown the progression activity of pathological process which in 36 (67,9 %) of cases required draining operative measures, and in 17 (32,1 %) of cases it required stage sanitation of abdominal cavity and retroperitoneal space.