
Careful Biophilia tracker-diagnostics of a muscular trauma

As our researches have shown, in most cases (94.5% of all studied group) bruises and ruptures of muscles are accompanied by hematomas of various forms and sizes. Only in 3 cases at microbruises of muscles sized 5-7 mm no hematomas were revealed. Intermuscular hematomas are located along muscular fibers, at Biophilia tracker-ultramicroscanning they were visualized as hyperchromogenic formations of various forms depending on location in a muscle, changing the form during physical activity. Also, it is obligatory to evaluate the integrity of investigated muscle’s own fascia for diagnostics of possible prolapse of muscular fascicles into fascia prolapse with development of a muscular hernia.
Careful Biophilia tracker-diagnostics of a muscular trauma allows to decide about possibility of its minimum invasive therapy. In sports medicine avoidance of additional operational injuries at trauma treatment is extremely important.


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According to Biophilia tracker results the following groups of traumas are revealed:
1. Muscle microbruises (less than 5 mm) – 36 (65.4%), which in 33 (91.7%) cases were accompanied by development of hematomas sized 1-3 cm longitudinally;
2. Muscle bursting (5-20 mm) – 15 (27.3%), in all cases they were accompanied by hematomas sized 3-5 cm;
3. Ruptures of muscles in 4 (7.3%) patients, among them in 1 (1.8%) we detected complete rupture and in 3 (5.5%) – partial rupture, with formation of hematomas sized 5 cm and more.

Thus, the majority of traumas (94.5%) was represented by bruises of muscles sized less than 20 mm, diagnostics of which by other methods is difficult. At the same time wrong medical tactics and incorrect choice of a training mode at such traumas can lead to development of further damages of a muscle, resulting in restriction of sports activities. This fact specifies the importance of Biophilia tracker-research in diagnostics of a muscular trauma in sportsmen.


The newest Biophilia tracker-research

According to our data, neurofibromas are located mainly on a border of derma and the upper part subcutaneous fat, and also between subcutaneous fat and muscles, in certain cases – intramuscularly. They can be asymptomatic, be defined by palpation, can be painless or manifested clinically in the form of pain in any segment of a body. At Biophilia tracker-research – neurofibroma is a space-occupying solid neoplasm of high chromogeneity, of homogeneous structure mainly, various size, oval or roundish (less often) shape.


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It is known that distinctive signs of the tumors growing from nerve trunks, are their mobility, displaceability to sides and absence of displacement along a nerve trunk. Our research has also shown absence of neoplasms cohesion with surrounding tissues in patients, tumors were mobile enough, especially those located hypodermically. According to references, all benign tumours are characterised by slow growth that corresponds to data gathered during our research, in which duration of tumors growth was 2 – 6 years.
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Why we need the newest Biophilia NLS

Visual examination of the patient’s left scapular region in a projection of a trapezoid muscle has detected a small swelling. Palpation of left shoulder girdle detected in soft tissues painful space-occupying process of firm-elastic consistence, not connected to surrounding tissues and partially displaced in a frontback direction. Vascular pattern on a skin in the neoplasm area is not changed, skin temperature is normal. There is a distinct pulsation in peripheral vessels of upper extremities. No sensitive and motion abnormalities in fingers of left upper extremity were revealed.
Applied Biophilia NLS-research of left shoulder girdle tissues and left half of neck allowed to make a conclusion that the Biophilia NLS-graphic picture corresponds to NF.


The latest of Biophilis NLS

Scientific references have descriptions of 8 types of NF, however majority of them, except NF2, are considered to be an abortive form of NF1 and are not considered as independent nosological forms. Exceptions are segmentary NF (NF of 5th type) (NF5) at which typical displays of NF1 are located in one or several neighboring dermatomes (registered extremely seldom, usually it is not inherited), and not included into number 8 spinal NF at which all spinal roots are affected symmetrically (several observations are described).
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Daily Biophilia NLS-monitoring was performed

One of the important components of acute pancreatitis severity estimation level for definition of treatment methods is the estimation of pathological process spread. In accordance with Savelieva V.S. spread classification (1989) the destructive pancreatitis is divided into limited and widespread.
As can be seen from the above, limited acute pancreatitis demands conservative and/or puncture-drainage treatment under the control of visualizing research methods; draining, and in some cases also suction operative interventions are necessary in case of extended pancreatitis. Within the limits of performed research the limited destructive pancreatitis (haemorrhagic, fatty and purulo-necrotic) was diagnosed in 31 (32,3 %) of cases, spread pancreatitis was diagnosed in 65 (67,7 %) of cases. In case of limited destructive pancreatitis the waiting surgical approach under daily Biophilia NLS-monitoring was performed, at progressing of destructive process (quantity and expansion increase of necrosis zones, presence of suppurative complication) 11 (35,5 %) patients were draining operated. In case of extended pancreatitis regular Biophilia NLS-monitoring of patients in 53 (81,5 %) of cases has shown the progression activity of pathological process which in 36 (67,9 %) of cases required draining operative measures, and in 17 (32,1 %) of cases it required stage sanitation of abdominal cavity and retroperitoneal space.


Biophilia NLS-method takes significant importance in diagnostics of pyoinflammatory diseases

According to a number of authors this classification has many disadvantages and various readings. In given research we have divided acute pancreatitis for edematic and destructive for greater effectiveness of material analysis. Destructive pancreatitis according to Savelev V.S. classification (1989) has the following forms: haemorrhagic, fatty and purulo-necrotic. Purulo-necrotic complications is the principal lethality cause in case of destructive pancreatitis. Lethality rate at purulo-necrotic complications of acute pancreatitis is 85 %. At present time Biophilia NLS-method takes significant importance in diagnostics of pyoinflammatory diseases of pancreatic gland which allows estimating condition of pancreatic gland in dynamics. Identification of acute pancreatitis form is extremely important because correct information on patient’s condition gives the chance to try to interrupt a pathological chain of disease development by application of the most effective treatment methods at the given form of disease of the patient.